my weekend in pictures.


{caught the end of the fight hunger bowl game. go huskies!}


{saw our cousin kait’s new house. aaron & oliver had fun launching arrows everywhere.}


{we drove out to lafayette to see tim, meg, & silas yesterday.}


{si was such a ham at lunch. this is his new squishy face!}


{pool party at our hotel with all of the little cousins!}


{happy birthday cari!}


{all of the littles in one pic – amazing!}

we are wrapping up our indiana christmas vacation & fly back to seattle today. it has been great to unplug & catch up with family & friends over the holiday. it seems like we have had no less than 6 christmas celebrations! plus, we finally got some snow this morning! hard to believe we are in the final days of december – where did the year go? how was your christmas week and weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{sadie made a christmas ornament at the groomer on friday. yep, that is a lock of her fur. #wearecrazydogpeople}


{a fortune after lunching at p.f. chang’s on saturday – a break from last-minute holiday shopping.}


{we got lots checked off the christmas wish list this year at nordstrom.}


{sadie is enjoying her fleece blanket in the backseat this time of year. & she is sporting her christmas bow from the groomer.}


{we visited the new anthro at bell square & I couldn’t resist trying on these fun party skirts. you wanna guess which one was an early christmas present?}


{my grandmother picked the christmas sugar cookie to go along with her dinner this evening at panera. it was the one with the most sugar, I am sure!}

it was a fun, but oh-so-quick weekend! my mom made a somewhat last minute trip into town and it was so good to see her & spend an early christmas this afternoon. we avoided the grey winter weather with lots of shopping cardio & catching up. just this one last work week to get thru before the christmas holiday & I am so excited (& so ready!). how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{starbucks oatmeal & latte. breakfast of champions. & pretty much the best way to start off the weekend.}


{we went to a friend’s 30th-and-a-half birthday party this weekend. it was go-karts & a pinata FTW. aaron won one round of go-karts & broke the bat trying to get all of the candy. not a bad saturday night. happy half birthday jeff!}


{on sunday afternoon we swung by the airport to pick up my mom & dad who are in town for the week. excited to get to spend some time with them!}

how is it possibly the end of the weekend already? another weekend blog post with a shameful amount of pictures, my apologies. we had family start to come into town starting on friday night & ended sunday evening with an early thanksgiving dinner thanks to my uncle bill! we won’t be attending either of the familys’ thanksgiving dinners this year, so it was nice to have some tradition a few days early. but seriously, where did the weekend go? I feel like it went so, so fast & I didn’t nearly get enough done. or have time to kick back & enjoy. maybe next weekend, right? how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{sadie & me catching up on the pile of fall fashion magazines.}


{received my alt summit goodie bag in the mail this week. so excited for the alt for everyone blog conference this week!}


{loving jewel tones & chambray for the fall.}


{friday night family cuddle time after dinner out with old friends.}


{attended my first pure barre class on saturday morning. i am trying it out for a month to see if i like it as much as i hope i will!}


{the bad part about having an old house is having storm windows. aaron & my dad took them off this spring so some work could be done on them. guess who got to help aaron hang them back up this weekend?}


{thank you amy & brian for canning the amazing deliciousness of coconut juice! #obsessed}


{this may or may not be sadie’s favorite part of home depot.}


{aaron’s grandpa was in town this weekend & we took him out on the town saturday night with ben & sarah.}


{on saturday night she crashed with me on the couch & her front paws were straight out. #frankendog #hilarious}


{sunday lunch with aaron’s grandpa at one of our favorite bakeries in eastlake, grand central.}


{i spent sunday evening out dinner & shopping with my grandmother. meanwhile ben & grandpa were crabbing at the crab pot! their faces crack me up!}

we had a really great weekend with a mix of house work & family time. we started to get some stormy weather & some of the leaves are already starting to change. i don’t mind that it is officially fall but do hope we get a few more days of sunshine-y weather before we get the seattle grey until next spring! how was your weekend?


my {long} weekend in pictures.


{aaron teaching sadie a few new tricks.}


{my mom & i took some out-of-town friends to the chihuly exhibit at seattle center on friday afternoon.}


{a picturesque space needle with chihuly glass.}


{mom & me with a chihuly chandelier.}


{our ride to the uw v. bsu game, courtesy of the steiners! what a gorgeous day to be on lake washington.}


{tailgating husky style. otherwise known as boatgating. & no, i did not captain the boat, i just borrowed his hat!}


{a view of lake washington from the newly-renovated husky stadium.}


{no visit from my mom is complete without a trip – okay trips – to panera.}


{sadie meets friends everywhere we go!}


{me & my uncle bill who was visiting this weekend.}


{sometimes a latte is just the pick-me-up you need to get you through a long weekend.}


{family dinner tonight – mom, jerry, aaron & me.}

we had family & friends in town visiting mostly for the season opener game at the renovated husky stadium. while i was sad that the broncos had a tough loss, i am pleased that the huskies did so well. if boise state has to lose, at least it is to my other favorite team! #gohuskies

it was a lovely weekend in seattle with picture-perfect weather! we did get some down-time in – which is unusual since it is called labor day, right? – which was much needed & thoroughly enjoyed. it is hard to believe that it is already september & that it is back to the grind… #wheredidsummergo

how was your weekend?


wedding weekend in hood river {multnomah falls}

before we headed home on sunday – mom, dad, & my sister to idaho, & aaron, sadie, & me to seattle – we headed west to multomah falls. it was lovely. just a short few steps from the parking lot with the option to hike up a slight incline to the stone bridge, & even further of a hike up the mountain {presumably to the top of the falls}. we made it just a bit further than the stone bridge, but didn’t have the time or the proper footwear to keep climbing. {yep, come to find out saltwater sandals aren’t the best in hiking footwear.} we definitely will be back to visit though & hope to hike a little further on our next trip. also, if you decide to visit, go early in the morning. we were lucky to have beaten the crowds, but on our way out of town there was a long back-up on the freeway to visit the falls & also big spaces reserved for buses – no thank you!




have you been to the columbia river gorge?


wedding weekend in hood river {the wedding}

this last weekend we were in hood river, oregon to celebrate my cousin jesse’s wedding to his bride elise. the venue was at Bella Vista Orchards, a few miles inland of the columbia river. the ceremony took place amongst the pear trees {with views of mount hood} & the reception in a tent on the property. it was a fun venue & a perfect setting for the bride & groom to celebrate their new union!

there were two suggestions made by the bride & groom via their invitation: one – no stilettos and two – head adornments were greatly encouraged. well, i decided to take my chances with heels {they were thick heels that are easy for me to walk in, plus with the length of my dress heels were a must!} & did pretty well, though the i understand the warning against heels given the uneven dirt paths & roads all around the venue. when it came to head adornments, aaron & i were totally in. aaron decided on his fez {that his brother brought back from egypt a few years back}. i originally thought i would make or buy a fascinator {a la duchess kate} but then came across this diy floral crown on my pinterest board & decided that would be perfect. i even talked my mom & sister into wearing them as well. my dad was a little more conventional in a classic polo baseball hat.

needless to say, we had a wonderful time celebrating!






congratulations jesse & elise!


my weekend in pictures.


{waiting for aaron with sadie after work.}


[post-dinner sorbet sundae!}


[packing for a weekend wedding.}


{the bridge of the gods in cascade locks, oregon in the columbia river gorge. so gorgeous!}


{we were in the columbia river gorge for the weekend to celebrate my cousin, jesse’s, wedding. the celebration was at a local orchard – so fun!}


{we drove out this morning to multomah falls with my parents & sister anya.}


{sadie & the falls.}


{after an extra-long return trip home from oregon because of traffic, we met up with friends at bastille for dinner.}


{i guess it is that time of year again to start thinking about my fall wardrobe!}

we spent a really lovely weekend in oregon celebrating my cousin’s wedding. my parents & sister anya were able to make the trip over as well – it was great to see so much family & catch up! if you haven’t been out to the columbia river gorge, you definitely should. it is breathtakingly gorgeous! the wedding was in an orchard with views of mount hood – pictures to come later in the week. we are gearing up for another week of sunny summer weather! how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{after a day-long roadtrip the sportwagen needed a little love. plus i LOVE the car wash!}


{aaron wasted no time getting into vacation mode.}


{i am loving flavored coconut water for hydrating after workouts.}


{pool essentials: sun protection & magazines!}


{this is the life! but i only lasted about 5 minutes before i hopped in the pool since it has been in the triple digits.}


{i got to spend the weekend with this fun lady, one of my best friends from high school emily! we had so much fun!}


{ah, this face!}


{sadie was enjoying the late afternoons in the shade by the pool}


{we tried out some of the kebob recipes in the latest real simple for family dinner tonight. #delish}


{summer = watermelon.}


{this is how my nephews clean up the dishes. #thedogsaretheprewashcycle}


{sadie surveying my parents’ property.}


{thanks catch phrase for giving aaron the word fahrfegnugen.}


{yep, that’s the moon above my parents’ house. it was so beautiful tonight!}

aaron, sadie, & i drove down mid-week for my ten year high school reunion. besides feeling a little old, we had a lot of fun! i was able to catch up with my close girlfriends, old classmates, & some family this weekend which was really great & much needed. it almost makes me wish i lived in boise again. but then i think of how much i love seattle & am thankful we are just a short ways away. it definitely feels like summer down here with triple digit heat & we have taken full advantage of the A/C & swimming pool at my parents’ house! what a fun weekend & thanks to everyone for making it so amazing!

how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{heatwave rolling thru seattle. it is nice to finally have summer weather but it stinks not to have A/C when its this warm!}


{our CSA this week. this is the half-share, i would hate to see the full! #nowonderwearevegetarians}


{a family walk thru the ravenna ravine. this spot near our house is nice & shady, plus there is a creek that runs thru it that sadie likes to swim in.}


{sadie & me.}


{i finally framed the picture my mom gave me while she & my dad were in town. isn’t it perfect? also, this reiterates how much i need to find a jean jacket…}


{the heat isn’t actually set on our nest, but we are keeping it on in order to run the attic fan during the day. & yes it does say our house is 81 degrees. inside.}


{sadie got a bath this afternoon & her chest hair is priceless when it is air dried. #sheisafurrybeast}


{on our way to the eastside to see my grandmother for dinner we got stopped on the 520 bridge for boat traffic. sitting on the freeway in 90 degrees is not fun.}


{it seemed appropriate that my grandmother wanted to see the movie the heat this evening. PSA – it is bad. funny, but bad.}

after weeks of complaining about the rainy & cold weather we finally got some summer in the emerald city. now everyone is complaining about how hot it is! i realize that there is a heatwave everywhere this week but i am assuming the majority of you have A/C. we only have A/C at starbucks & nordy’s – guess i will have to go visit those places this week, oh darn! i had high hopes of getting some yard work done as our backyard is out of control, but it was a bit too warm outside for me to tackle it. oh well. how was your weekend?