my weekend in pictures.


{after a day-long roadtrip the sportwagen needed a little love. plus i LOVE the car wash!}


{aaron wasted no time getting into vacation mode.}


{i am loving flavored coconut water for hydrating after workouts.}


{pool essentials: sun protection & magazines!}


{this is the life! but i only lasted about 5 minutes before i hopped in the pool since it has been in the triple digits.}


{i got to spend the weekend with this fun lady, one of my best friends from high school emily! we had so much fun!}


{ah, this face!}


{sadie was enjoying the late afternoons in the shade by the pool}


{we tried out some of the kebob recipes in the latest real simple for family dinner tonight. #delish}


{summer = watermelon.}


{this is how my nephews clean up the dishes. #thedogsaretheprewashcycle}


{sadie surveying my parents’ property.}


{thanks catch phrase for giving aaron the word fahrfegnugen.}


{yep, that’s the moon above my parents’ house. it was so beautiful tonight!}

aaron, sadie, & i drove down mid-week for my ten year high school reunion. besides feeling a little old, we had a lot of fun! i was able to catch up with my close girlfriends, old classmates, & some family this weekend which was really great & much needed. it almost makes me wish i lived in boise again. but then i think of how much i love seattle & am thankful we are just a short ways away. it definitely feels like summer down here with triple digit heat & we have taken full advantage of the A/C & swimming pool at my parents’ house! what a fun weekend & thanks to everyone for making it so amazing!

how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{good things come in west elm packages. so excited to share what is in these boxes – post should be up wednesday!}


{a much-needed mani & pedi to end the work week.}


{its funny how everything you order online all arrives on the same day.}


{in a bit of a role reversal, i taped up the windows & aaron varnished the back doors.}


{mmm… which wich!}


{sadie & i were meditating in the sun. #ohm}


{we took my grandmother to chipotle for the first time – she loved it!}


{we went to see this is the end since it was getting really good reviews. #worstmovieever}


{some of our neighbors have the most beautiful flowers. #iwishihadagreenthumb}


{we found a new part of ravenna park this morning. sadie enjoyed the new sights & smells!}


{don’t aaron & sadie look stoked to be at anthro with me?}

we had a fun weekend & finally got a few in progress projects completed, but boy did these last two days fly by! why do the weekends always go so much faster than the week days? how was your weekend?


my {long, holiday} weekend in pictures.


{we watched the annual 4th of july parade for our neighborhood. all of the kids sing “god bless america” & then ride their bikes/scooters/trikes down the street. it is adorable!}


{i baked my very first cake this weekend to take to a 4th of july party. it was ombre & had 9 layers & it was awesome. pics to come later in the week.}


{we spent some time at our friends’ parents’ house on bitter lake. such a beautiful place to catch up with old & new friends.}


{our 4th of july view at sunset.}


{happy birthday america!}


{we went out on a boat trip friday for our friend colin’s birthday.}


{the emerald city is gorgeous by boat.}




{aaron whipped up some buckwheat, chocolate chip, & blueberry pancakes for breakfast on saturday.}


{i needed some new shoes for zumba & body pump. sadie was such a good girl at the store – i think she was enjoying the A/C!}


{my new mizuno shoes. i can’t wait to try them out!}


{family cuddle time on the couch.}


{our friends hosted a BBQ & outdoor movie night on saturday. sara makes the most delicious popcorn!}


{i am very much enjoying feedly as my blog reader. if you haven’t found a replacement for your google reader i would highly recommend it.}


{aaron has been enjoying some homemade hot sauce from our neighbor & friend phil. despite the name it is pretty good.}


{we dined at anthony’s in kirkland with my grandmother on sunday night. not a bad view.}


{this is the biggest blackberry i have ever seen. & apparently the biggest one aaron had seen too.}

it was so great to have the holiday in the middle of the week so that we had such a nice long weekend! we spent lots of time catching up on our sleep {much needed!} & spending time catching up with friends. we are enjoying the sunny weather but how in the world is it already july? #wheredoesthetimego

how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{heatwave rolling thru seattle. it is nice to finally have summer weather but it stinks not to have A/C when its this warm!}


{our CSA this week. this is the half-share, i would hate to see the full! #nowonderwearevegetarians}


{a family walk thru the ravenna ravine. this spot near our house is nice & shady, plus there is a creek that runs thru it that sadie likes to swim in.}


{sadie & me.}


{i finally framed the picture my mom gave me while she & my dad were in town. isn’t it perfect? also, this reiterates how much i need to find a jean jacket…}


{the heat isn’t actually set on our nest, but we are keeping it on in order to run the attic fan during the day. & yes it does say our house is 81 degrees. inside.}


{sadie got a bath this afternoon & her chest hair is priceless when it is air dried. #sheisafurrybeast}


{on our way to the eastside to see my grandmother for dinner we got stopped on the 520 bridge for boat traffic. sitting on the freeway in 90 degrees is not fun.}


{it seemed appropriate that my grandmother wanted to see the movie the heat this evening. PSA – it is bad. funny, but bad.}

after weeks of complaining about the rainy & cold weather we finally got some summer in the emerald city. now everyone is complaining about how hot it is! i realize that there is a heatwave everywhere this week but i am assuming the majority of you have A/C. we only have A/C at starbucks & nordy’s – guess i will have to go visit those places this week, oh darn! i had high hopes of getting some yard work done as our backyard is out of control, but it was a bit too warm outside for me to tackle it. oh well. how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{friday morning breakfast at starbucks: oatmeal & a latte. the best! #breakfastisbetterwhenyoudon’thavetomakeit}


{my parents were & we took them to boom noodle, one of our favorites!}


{of course we had to hit up nordstrom for the half-yearly men’s sale!}


{my mom adores the veggie salad at nordstrom café so i took one for the team & joined in for a lunch date.}


{loving my new saltwater sandals. i had at least one pair as a kid & loved them! so nostalgic.}


{last weekend aaron & my dad took down all of our storm windows. this weekend aaron worked on prepping the window frames for some new paint.}


{i had fun making a birthday card with fun paper & washi tape.}


{the view of the city skyline from i-5. #iheartseattle}


{we got to catch up with old friends from law school & meet new friends at my friend sarah’s birthday party this weekend. happy birthday sarah!}


{i finally got back to my beloved sunday morning yoga class after taking off the last month to do a body pump challenge (which i finished, yay!). #namaste}


{got some new fabric delivered for a project i am hoping to get started on this summer. so excited!}


{not that i needed an excuse to visit west elm, but there was a sale & we may have bought something. okay, a few things. can’t wait to share!}


{we finally got to the grocery store on a sunday which makes monday evening so much better. loving the shopping bag we got from our friend jerry – all the way from london, so fancy!}


{we attended a small law school reunion dinner party at oddfellows to see & catch up with our friend sarah – different sarah – who was in town for a wedding. it was so great to see everyone though!}


{we can’t go to capitol hill without visiting molly moon’s especially since it was right around the corner. one of the summer season flavors is a vegan coconut chunk – amazing & the best part is no tummy-ache!}

we had a fun & productive weekend with half of it being gorgeous & the other half of it being grey. & by productive i mean aaron got a lot done. i, on the other hand, still have a to-do list a mile long. #itnevergetsshorter

how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{my parents rolled into town on friday with their new camper. they were here for the weekend & heading out to camp for the week.}


{aaron & sadie.}


{we were sunning on my grandmother’s back patio on friday catching up with my mom & dad.}


{happy father’s day!}


{we have been ignoring our yard for most of the spring but finally started some much-needed cleanup in the back. we filled up that entire yard waste bin & still have so much more to go!}


{it is always double-whammy this time of year with my dad’s birthday & father’s day always falling within days of each other.}


{do you think my parents are boise state fans? #bronconation}


{we had dinner at McCormick for my dad’s birthday – happy birthday dad!}

we had a fun & very sunny weekend, though it went entirely too quickly. obviously my parents were in town & we enjoyed spending some quality time with them & my grandmother. it is finally starting to feel like summer around here & we are loving every minute of it. the house is even getting a bit warm {no A/C here} & we aren’t even complaining yet. how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{feeling some love on friday from a west elm instagram shout-out.}


{we had a donut date at top pot on national donut day. did you partake?}


{we walked by cowen park on our way home from the u-district farmer’s market & sadie really wanted to see what was going on.}


{another round of peonies from a local garden – i just can’t get enough.}


{we also splurged on some local strawberries – so delish!}


{sadie waiting patiently for aaron to tell her she can get her treats.}


{we had dinner on saturday at urbane in downtown with a good friend.}


{the new star trek, but not in 3D. i liked it.}


{on sunday i introduced amanda to potbelly sandwich shop in bellevue. then we went antiquing. thanks for a fun afternoon amanda!}


{i finally got out the iron. i have decided i need to iron about twice a year, unless i really need something specific. any tips on how to get ironing done more frequently?}


{late sunday run to target – always a good time!}

we had a nice sunny weekend but i can’t believe it is already over! does time seem to be flying to anyone else? i just can’t keep up. we have been enjoying the summer-ish weather in seattle as well as the local, summer produce that is finally springing up in the local markets. we decided to buy into a CSA this summer {community supported agriculture} which means every week we get a bag full of fresh, local, organic produce for a mere $15 a week! we are excited to be supporting local farmers, eating seasonally, & pushing ourselves to cook & eat different veggies we may not normally pick. wish us luck! how was your weekend?


my {long} weekend in pictures.


{happy birthday aaron!}


{we had a birthday date night at pasta freska on friday. if you live in seattle & haven’t been here you should go. chef michael is awesome!}


{pleats & toe-cap for the birthday dinner.}


{we met ben & sarah at seattle center to see ironman 3. even though we didn’t go to the space needle, we saw it a few times & i feel compelled to take a picture of it every time i see it. anyone else do that?}


{we met our friend jerry at serious pie in south lake union for brunch on sunday.}


{aww, love. AL + MS = forever.}


{we followed up brunch with a screening of the new fast & furious at cinerama. who knew this was the sixth movie? #theyareallthesamemovieright}


{donned my fun bagley mischka shoes with my new kate young for target dress for our friends’ wedding.}


{it is hard to complain about the rain when it gives you a beautiful rainbow over lake union. gorgeous!}


{my wedding date.}


{i am half-way thru my rack it up challenge – 15 body pump workouts in 30 days. #bikiniseasonhereicome}


{needed a peony refresh this week. it is an expensive habit, but i am compelled to keep fresh peonies in the house for the entire (short) season!}

we had a fun long weekend filled with friends, family, & a bit of rest. no real projects on the house right now so we were able to spend our free time not enjoying the weather but enjoying the company of friends. we attended our neighbors’ wedding reception on sunday which kicks of the wedding season for us {even though we have already missed two family weddings so far due to distance. boo.}. i can’t believe it is the end of may already {where did the time go?} but i am looking forward to what the summer has in store! how was your weekend?


happy 3-0! {birthday}


happy, happy birthday to my wonderful & amazing husband who turns 30 today! i have been teasing him a lot about being an old man, but i am really so honored to be his wife & be celebrating such a milestone with him.

aaron – i hope you have the most fantastic & awesome day today celebrating thirty amazing years! here’s to many more decades & milestone birthdays!

{if you missed the birthday party recap last week, see it here!}

happy day husband!