my weekend in pictures.


{heatwave rolling thru seattle. it is nice to finally have summer weather but it stinks not to have A/C when its this warm!}


{our CSA this week. this is the half-share, i would hate to see the full! #nowonderwearevegetarians}


{a family walk thru the ravenna ravine. this spot near our house is nice & shady, plus there is a creek that runs thru it that sadie likes to swim in.}


{sadie & me.}


{i finally framed the picture my mom gave me while she & my dad were in town. isn’t it perfect? also, this reiterates how much i need to find a jean jacket…}


{the heat isn’t actually set on our nest, but we are keeping it on in order to run the attic fan during the day. & yes it does say our house is 81 degrees. inside.}


{sadie got a bath this afternoon & her chest hair is priceless when it is air dried. #sheisafurrybeast}


{on our way to the eastside to see my grandmother for dinner we got stopped on the 520 bridge for boat traffic. sitting on the freeway in 90 degrees is not fun.}


{it seemed appropriate that my grandmother wanted to see the movie the heat this evening. PSA – it is bad. funny, but bad.}

after weeks of complaining about the rainy & cold weather we finally got some summer in the emerald city. now everyone is complaining about how hot it is! i realize that there is a heatwave everywhere this week but i am assuming the majority of you have A/C. we only have A/C at starbucks & nordy’s – guess i will have to go visit those places this week, oh darn! i had high hopes of getting some yard work done as our backyard is out of control, but it was a bit too warm outside for me to tackle it. oh well. how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{my parents rolled into town on friday with their new camper. they were here for the weekend & heading out to camp for the week.}


{aaron & sadie.}


{we were sunning on my grandmother’s back patio on friday catching up with my mom & dad.}


{happy father’s day!}


{we have been ignoring our yard for most of the spring but finally started some much-needed cleanup in the back. we filled up that entire yard waste bin & still have so much more to go!}


{it is always double-whammy this time of year with my dad’s birthday & father’s day always falling within days of each other.}


{do you think my parents are boise state fans? #bronconation}


{we had dinner at McCormick for my dad’s birthday – happy birthday dad!}

we had a fun & very sunny weekend, though it went entirely too quickly. obviously my parents were in town & we enjoyed spending some quality time with them & my grandmother. it is finally starting to feel like summer around here & we are loving every minute of it. the house is even getting a bit warm {no A/C here} & we aren’t even complaining yet. how was your weekend?


seattle dogs & their people {seattle dog spot feature}

the weekend before last we took a family trip to the nearby cowen park en route to pick up dinner. this is one of ravenna’s best parks as there is so much grass & space for sadie to run around & chase squirrels. {it also has an amazing playground which isn’t much use to us now but will be some day.}

during our stroll, a guy approached us & asked if he could take our picture {aaron, sadie, & me}. it turns out he was a photographer for a local blog, seattle dog spot, & was working on a new feature: seattle dogs & their people. we were happy to oblige & were featured last week!

seattle dog blog

{seattle dogs & their people post}

two pieces of trivia for you: brittanys are no longer known as brittany spaniels; and brittanys as a breed are losing popularity {perhaps because the brittany in the stock picture is not as pretty as sadie), which is ironic as sadie is a brittany & the first seattle dog featured.

update: sadie came from my parents, not aaron’s!

do you see brittanys around where you live?


my weekend in pictures.


{feeling some love on friday from a west elm instagram shout-out.}


{we had a donut date at top pot on national donut day. did you partake?}


{we walked by cowen park on our way home from the u-district farmer’s market & sadie really wanted to see what was going on.}


{another round of peonies from a local garden – i just can’t get enough.}


{we also splurged on some local strawberries – so delish!}


{sadie waiting patiently for aaron to tell her she can get her treats.}


{we had dinner on saturday at urbane in downtown with a good friend.}


{the new star trek, but not in 3D. i liked it.}


{on sunday i introduced amanda to potbelly sandwich shop in bellevue. then we went antiquing. thanks for a fun afternoon amanda!}


{i finally got out the iron. i have decided i need to iron about twice a year, unless i really need something specific. any tips on how to get ironing done more frequently?}


{late sunday run to target – always a good time!}

we had a nice sunny weekend but i can’t believe it is already over! does time seem to be flying to anyone else? i just can’t keep up. we have been enjoying the summer-ish weather in seattle as well as the local, summer produce that is finally springing up in the local markets. we decided to buy into a CSA this summer {community supported agriculture} which means every week we get a bag full of fresh, local, organic produce for a mere $15 a week! we are excited to be supporting local farmers, eating seasonally, & pushing ourselves to cook & eat different veggies we may not normally pick. wish us luck! how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{the peonies that i picked up from whole foods last week are absolutely the most gorgeous & biggest blooms i have ever seen!}


{our house was featured in a before & after feature on west elm’s blog front & main on thursday. we were pretty excited about it!}


{cookies are the proper way to finish a lunch date, don’t you think?}


{on saturday we drove down to southern washington to pay our respects to my dear friend’s father who passed away a week and a half ago. mr. ayoub may you rest in peace.}


{aaron & sadie at the dog park.}


{we call her frog dog when she lays down like this.}


{on saturday we tried vegan pizza pi in the u district for dinner & it wasn’t too shabby. notice its awesome phone number.}


{aaron & i – well mostly aaron – installed a new toilet this weekend. more details to come this week (& by details i mean pictures).}


{i am enjoying dan brown’s new book inferno. it has taken me a long time to get back into reading a book for pleasure after law school. i think this is the third novel i have read since graduation. #yepiamscarredforlife }


{the view from i-90 this evening was lovely. we were lucky enough to get a warm, sunny sunday in seattle!}

i don’t quite know where the weekend went, but alas it is sunday night. we got a few to dos done around the house, but i feel like we had a pretty mellow weekend. also, to celebrate the first of june – is it really june already? – we got a nice dose of sunny weather which is always a treat on the weekend. makes me long for a summer vacation…

how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{on thursday evening i attended the anthro petite launch at the downtown store & got to meet joy from oh joy! she is as lovely in person as she is on her blog. #bloggercrush}


{i needed a few jelly bellys to get me thru my friday at work.}


{it is finally peony season – at least at whole foods. i am waiting it out until tj’s gets them so i don’t have to spend $12 a dozen. #mightbeworthit #peonyseasonbegins}


{saturday was a beautiful sunny day which called for a floral dress & my fun new oxfords..}


{i finally got a new wreath for the front door.}


{i ordered some moo cards & am so excited!}


{sadie was great at supervising yard work on sunday afternoon.}


{happy mother’s day to my mom! #circa1992}


{we finally hit 1000 miles on our new car. pretty exciting!}

we had a fun weekend with some sun & some storms. it was nice to get a few projects out of the way & gear up for aaron’s big birthday bash next weekend {spolier alert: he will be thirty!} we got a chance to catch up with both of our moms today, but since neither of them are in town, we took my grandmother out for a mother’s day dinner. how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{what a wonderful forecast!}


{i made tea for my grandmother on friday afternoon. she insisted we use real tea cups & saucers.}


{saturday was opening day for boat season. lots & lots of boats out on lake washington.}


{we took a family walk to the ravenna ravine on sunday morning. sadie decided that she wanted a drink of water. & to take a swim.}


{i attended a bridal blessing on sunday afternoon. what a view!}


{the bride-to-be!}


{we spent the afternoon of cinco de mayo at our friend andy & hailey’s house. they have the most perfect lake house.}


{the view of lake washington & mount rainier from their dock.}


{the weather is finally warm enough for me to break out my summer-side of the closet. very exciting!}


{love to start the week with a fresh bouquet of flowers. #thebestpartofspring}

my weekend in pictures.


{finally arranging on our new bathroom counterspace. i picked up these fun silver mint julep cups from one kings lane to hold cotton balls & q-tips.}


{got diesel for the first time in our new car. the green is fun!}


{paint rollers & drywall – story of our weekend.}


{ikea bins. i was in organizing heaven!}


{finally sorted out the mess in the bathroom vanity. since i don’t have a label maker (yet) i used fun chalkboard labels instead.}


{aaron joined me on sunday morning in my favorite vinyasa flow yoga class. afterwards we noshed on a bagel. carb loading post-yoga is totally legit, right?}


{i had already prepped & primed the hallway before i realized we didn’t have the paint color i needed to finish painting it. alas, i see hallway painting in my future next weekend.}


{i am glad that someone likes & enjoys these upholstered tables. they sit in front of our front window, so sadie has a view of everything in front of the house. plus, she likes to bring her favorite toys up to join her.}

we had a great weekend, but as always it went so fast! there were a lot of house projects which is exhausting but it feels great to get a few things off the checklist. we had terrible wet weather all weekend with the sun only peeking out for a few hours at the end, but we are in for a warm week (seriously, mid to high 60s you guys!). how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{sadie was making friends at anthro on friday night. sometimes we have to be careful that she doesn’t fall in love with another person & follow them home!}


{we had a yummy veggie lunch on saturday at chaco canyon.}


{rain, rain go away. we had lightning & thunder that shook the house in the late afternoon on saturday.}


{we hosted some friends for dinner on saturday night & aaron made homemade gnocchi – yum-o!}


{sadie was hunting squirrels, & aaron & i enjoyed all of the spring tulips on our family outing sunday morning.}


{the sun was out – after days of rain this week – so we celebrated with a bit of open sunroof.}


{we had sunday night dinner with my grandmother & saw 42. it was awesome. go see it, stat!}

we had a fun weekend mixed with a few small house projects & some good quality time together – like a dinner date on friday {fancy!}. it is hard to complain about wanting spring to come faster after a sunny day like today, but we have had so much rain the last week that we are ready for a change {though the wet conditions have made growing grass seed much easier}. per usual, the weekend has come & gone so quickly leaving us wishing it was just one more day. oh well, back to the grind. how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{aaron matches our chipotle to-go.}


{this is the result of one afternoon with sadie given a nearly indestructible toy with an everlasting treat. #thatisanexpensivehabit}


{perrier & clams. i am a happy girl!}


{nothing tastes better than farm fresh eggs.}


{painting in preparation for a sunday afternoon crafternoon with amanda.}


{seattle was sunny on sunday & everyone enjoyed it, especially sadie.}


{i got to hang out with this cutie, madeleine, while her mom & dad went out on a date.}

we had a busy weekend & definitely enjoyed the spring weather – both sun & rain! not a lot to report, but prepping the to-do list for my parents who will be visiting from idaho next weekend. how was your weekend?