happy 9th birthday sadie!

sadie isn’t a big reader of the blog, but i did want to give her a birthday shout out. happy 9th birthday sadie sue! she indulged me in a birthday photoshoot. she hated the entire thing & i bribed her with a cookie, but boy is she a good sport!




{party hat: made by me!}

in all seriousness, celebrating sadie is something that we do every day in our house. she is such a huge part of our lives & i can’t imagine life without her {as is abundantly clear from the enormous amount of blog time she gets!}. everywhere we go people fall in love with sadie & she makes us {well me, i can’t speak for aaron} want to be the best person i can. what is the saying, i want to be the person my dog thinks i am.

sadie – the center of our entire world – have a fantastic birthday!

xo mom & dad

my weekend in pictures.


{my parents rolled into town on friday with their new camper. they were here for the weekend & heading out to camp for the week.}


{aaron & sadie.}


{we were sunning on my grandmother’s back patio on friday catching up with my mom & dad.}


{happy father’s day!}


{we have been ignoring our yard for most of the spring but finally started some much-needed cleanup in the back. we filled up that entire yard waste bin & still have so much more to go!}


{it is always double-whammy this time of year with my dad’s birthday & father’s day always falling within days of each other.}


{do you think my parents are boise state fans? #bronconation}


{we had dinner at McCormick for my dad’s birthday – happy birthday dad!}

we had a fun & very sunny weekend, though it went entirely too quickly. obviously my parents were in town & we enjoyed spending some quality time with them & my grandmother. it is finally starting to feel like summer around here & we are loving every minute of it. the house is even getting a bit warm {no A/C here} & we aren’t even complaining yet. how was your weekend?


my {long} weekend in pictures.


{happy birthday aaron!}


{we had a birthday date night at pasta freska on friday. if you live in seattle & haven’t been here you should go. chef michael is awesome!}


{pleats & toe-cap for the birthday dinner.}


{we met ben & sarah at seattle center to see ironman 3. even though we didn’t go to the space needle, we saw it a few times & i feel compelled to take a picture of it every time i see it. anyone else do that?}


{we met our friend jerry at serious pie in south lake union for brunch on sunday.}


{aww, love. AL + MS = forever.}


{we followed up brunch with a screening of the new fast & furious at cinerama. who knew this was the sixth movie? #theyareallthesamemovieright}


{donned my fun bagley mischka shoes with my new kate young for target dress for our friends’ wedding.}


{it is hard to complain about the rain when it gives you a beautiful rainbow over lake union. gorgeous!}


{my wedding date.}


{i am half-way thru my rack it up challenge – 15 body pump workouts in 30 days. #bikiniseasonhereicome}


{needed a peony refresh this week. it is an expensive habit, but i am compelled to keep fresh peonies in the house for the entire (short) season!}

we had a fun long weekend filled with friends, family, & a bit of rest. no real projects on the house right now so we were able to spend our free time not enjoying the weather but enjoying the company of friends. we attended our neighbors’ wedding reception on sunday which kicks of the wedding season for us {even though we have already missed two family weddings so far due to distance. boo.}. i can’t believe it is the end of may already {where did the time go?} but i am looking forward to what the summer has in store! how was your weekend?


happy 3-0! {birthday}


happy, happy birthday to my wonderful & amazing husband who turns 30 today! i have been teasing him a lot about being an old man, but i am really so honored to be his wife & be celebrating such a milestone with him.

aaron – i hope you have the most fantastic & awesome day today celebrating thirty amazing years! here’s to many more decades & milestone birthdays!

{if you missed the birthday party recap last week, see it here!}

happy day husband!


aaron’s thirtieth birthday party.

as i mentioned here we celebrated aaron’s big 3-0 this weekend with family & friends. his birthday isn’t really until this friday, but since that kicks off memorial day weekend, we figured it would be a better turn-out if we threw the party the weekend before.

i have spent the last few months planning & making party decorations, so it was really awesome to see it all come to life on saturday. originally i was going to do a james bond theme as it seemed like a good use of aaron’s white dinner jacket from andy & hailey’s wedding. but then i decided that as much as it would be fun to have the guys dress up in suits & the gals dress up in formals, it would be better as a theme for a big sit-down dinner (which we don’t have the space for). so i decided a beer theme would be fun for aaron (since i knew there would be beer at his party anyways) & went with that. i was able to find paper goods in the theme of a beer tasting & recruited a good friend who brews home brew regularly as our beer master.

i borrowed a few ideas from pinterest {if you are curious, my pinterest board for this party is here} & will share those & my sources below. for now, enjoy the pictures! {there were a few more pictures taken at the party, but for the sake of our guest’s privacy, i decided not to put all of them up here.}




there were {and still are} thirty gold balloons hanging in our front window & each one {well, almost} has a happy birthday wish or favorite memory of aaron from our close family & friends. it means a lot to aaron & me to have received these beautiful notes & thank you to those of you who i harassed to get them to me in time for the party!

source & inspiration list:

thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate with us – we had such an amazing time! &, last but not least, happy {early} birthday to my wonderful husband!


my weekend in pictures.


{did this weekend seem long to anyone else? friday seemed like it was an eternity away, even on thursday! also discovered the #abeautifulmess app & am loving it!}


{headed down to pike place market saturday morning to pick up fresh flowers for the party.}


{i finally got some peonies!}


{the happy birthday candles that i got for aaron’s doughnut cake weren’t quite right – can you catch the mistake? #thereareonly2psinhappy}


{his & hers rubba slippahs (as they say in hawaii).}


{my own version of this now famous quote that i did for my grandmother’s 91st birthday.}


{aaron & i did a little spring cleaning at my grandmother’s house by sweeping up the leaves & needles around her house. #justcallushergardeners}


{sunday night wrapped up the weekend with taco time & the great gatsby to celebrate my grandmother’s birthday – this is what she requested!}

we had a fun birthday-filled weekend celebrating both aaron’s birthday (early) & my grandmother’s birthday (even though she says she didn’t want to celebrate being any older, so she is starting to count backwards!). there aren’t many weekend pics to share here, but i will make up for it mid-week when i get aaron’s birthday party post together. we had so much fun seeing lots of friends & family this weekend – we are very blessed! how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.

{sidenote: my weekend update is backwards this week due to my not-so-quick-to-learn the quirks of my new computer.}


{our rhodie is finally starting to bloom – very exciting! it is strange though that it is coming in bright pink because last year it was white… anyone know why?}


{sunday brunch with old & new friends at americana in capital hill.}


{caught up on some glossies this weekend. yep, that is vogue from march. i am a bit behind.}


{yep, painting again. finally finishing up the hallway that i started last weekend.}


{one of two trips this weekend to the lowe’s paint counter. has anyone else tried to match ceiling paint without a really good ceiling sample? fellow homeowners please do us all a favor & leave a sample paint can of the ceiling paint for the next owner.}


{paint samples to figure out what color to paint the hallway. we went with driftwood grey by martha stewart. grey, i know, surprising.}


{on friday night we celebrated my good friend sascha’s thirtieth birthday at bastille in ballard. happy birthday sascha!}


{you can’t come empty handed to a birthday party, right? cupcakes it is!}

this weekend flew by – did it for you too? i don’t understand how monday thru friday often drag on & on, & then saturday & sunday are gone in a blink! we were busy wrapping up a few on-going projects on the house & trying to tackle our ever-growing {out of control} yard. how was your weekend?


my weekend in pictures.


{my building’s cafeteria closed but there is always a food truck around. i got to enjoy a yummy meal while enjoying the sunshine!}


{hung out in post alley at pike place market on friday to celebrate my friend miriam’s birthday.}


{we saw an improv comedy show the pretty wonderful club. it was based on the john hughes 80’s high school movies. so fun!}


{yes, that is a gum wall behind me. post alley is filled with gum. it is a disgusting tradition, but you pretty much have to participate if you are there.}


{sadie & i patiently waited outside for aaron to get us lattes on saturday morning.}


{when it is sunny outside, which it was ALL weekend!, everyone in seattle washes their car. including us.}


{we went “car shopping” this weekend just to look & ended up buying a new car. this is the final picture of us with jez, our old jetta. bye bye jez, it was a great 9 years!}


{bluetooth in cars is awesome!}


{got a new coffee table book by the one & only kate spade, my fav. can’t wait to flip thru it for some inspiration!}


{happy easter sadie! yes, that dog toy has bunny ears.}


{good morning new jetta sportswagen! i haven’t had it long enough to give it an official name – any suggestions? we are thinking something german perhaps. what, you don’t name your cars?}


{making sure the new bathroom hardware is level.}


{had to paint a few touchup spots on the bathroom walls where old hardware came down. i think our latest bathroom project is nearly finished & i am hoping to be able to share it later in the week!}

we had a wonderfully sunny weekend, busy but fun. our weather was spectacular, especially for seattle in the early spring, & we were even wearing shorts to work around the house & in the yard this afternoon. we often get a burst of very early spring weather that gets everyone a little hopeful (& nervous for a very hot summer) but inevitably we will be back to normal cool spring weather. also, we accidently bought a car this weekend. i say accidently because we were really just going to look at cars on saturday. it was our first day out looking & there were a few types & models that were in the running, but next thing you know, we were buying a new jetta. we opted for the sportswagen because, you know, we could use the space for the constant lowe’s & home depot runs/sadie/future babes/etc. but the real reason why we bought the sportswagen was because of the full sunroof which is amazing! we had a great easter weekend – how was your weekend?


snapshots of us lately.

i spend a lot of time taking & sharing pictures of our two kids, the house & sadie. but, we have been really bad about talking (& sharing) pictures of us, even though this is aaronandmisha.com.

i have {informally} resolved to get behind the camera less & in front of it more, & share more pictures of us on this blog of ours. so, in an effort to make good on this resolution, here are a few recent shots of aaron & me.

{tibi dress rented from RTR // j.crew clutch}

{taken at our friends dave & maryalice’s engagement party in january. we are very excited to both be in the wedding party!}

{aaron with the tiniest bottle of tabasco sauce ever at my birthday dinner.}

{happy i am so thankful she didn’t bring out 28 candles birthday!}

{old cape // zara dress  // shoemint shoes //  j.crew clutch}

expected more? i know, it wasn’t much of a photo dump. like i said, we don’t take very many photos of us & are really good {too good} at being  behind the camera! i hope this is the first of many snapshots of us lately posts.

are you a good self picture taker? if you are, spill your secrets!


my weekend in pictures.


{birthday dinner outfit. the best outfits include a cape & 5 inch heels!}


{commuting home with flowers aaron sent to the office on thursday.}


{sadie giving aaron a “welcome home” hug on friday evening.}


{valentine’s day celebrations thru-out the weekend included heart shaped pancakes from scratch!}


{saturday afternoon was spent antiquing with amanda in pioneer square!}


{my shopping finds: liquor “name tags” on chains – wodka, whisky, cognac & gin, & vintage indiana & idaho maps – like to become a pinterest craft.}


{it is still a thrill to see the space needle.}


{weekly trip to lowe’s. so excited for what is in that box! any guesses?}




{these poor little bulbs didn’t get the memo that it is still mid-february. guess it is taking the groundhog too seriously this year.}


{a little yard clean-up as our flower beds were looking a bit unkempt.}


{assembled my awesome wooden moose head courtesy of amanda all the way from new zealand! thanks, i love him!}


{our house is stocked with fresh blooms in celebration of my birthday & valentine’s day. aaron was so sweet to send me flowers to the office & to the house on thursday!}

sadie bath

{sadie got a bath this weekend & has decided that the hair dryer is pretty neat when it is so cold outside!}

we had a wonderful weekend filled with continued birthday celebrations! thank you for all the sweet birthday wishes via various social media this week – i am feeling very loved. how was your weekend?