urban dictionary.

have you ever looked your name up in urban dictionary

well, today i did. and it may have made my day.

the first entry was pretty boring and straight-forward:

Misha is a Russian nick-name for Mikhail. It also means little bear or a teddy bear. “Misha the Bear” was the official mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Misha is short for Michael.

the second entry was much better:

Misha is an amazing, inspiring character. She possesses faultless beauty and a truly electrifying personality. She touches the lives of every single person she comes in contact with. She can only be described as some sort of exquisite gift. Anyone that has such Misha in their lives experiences a dreamlike, whimsical state when she comes around due to her pure perfection.

and the rest of the entries were just silly.

what is the urban definition of your name? did it make your day? {you’re welcome in advance.} 

four eyes.

no, i was never called “four eyes” by anyone on the playground (kids can be so mean!), though i was always really conscious of my glasses from the time i first got them in second grade. i got contacts as soon as my eye doctor thought my eyes were ready, and by the fifth grade, no one was any the wiser that i was blind as a bat. fortunately for me, glasses are in and i am definitely embracing the trend!

i have a really great pair of glasses from my eye doctor from ProDesign out of denmark. i love these glasses, totally lawyer-chic! and the big bonus (two actually) is that i can replace the lenses every year without worrying about threatening the frame’s integrity (metal vs. plastic frame) AND i can wear mascara or even eyelash extensions with these glasses without my lashes hitting the lenses.

as much as i LOVE my glasses, i really wanted a fun pair of glasses. perhaps it would convince me to wear my glasses more often (which i really should be doing anyways). there are lots of online eyeglass stores popping up all over the internet that offer cute & trendy frames for really reasonable prices ($99).

a little FYI about three of these stores i am in the know of:

ONE. $88 prescription glasses & sunglasses.
TWO. free shipping & returns.
THREE. spex vision – a unique virtual mirror.
ONE. $99 prescription glasses & sunglasses.
TWO. discount styles offering – 30% off.
THREE. virtual try-on.
FOUR. “Pay It Forward” campaign: We support ChildSight, free vision care & glasses for children in need.
FIVE. free carbon neutral shipping.
ONE. $95 prescription glasses & sunglasses.*
TWO. free shipping & returns.
THREE. virtual try-on & home try-on.

FOUR. “Do Good” campaign: almost one billion people don’t have access to glasses. glasses can increase one’s productivity by 20%. we have distributed over 85,000 pairs.
FIVE. the colonel monocle.

*there is an extra charge (around $30) for high index lenses if you have a strong prescription (like me!). this may be true of spex club and bon look as well.

i decided to go with Warby Parker, mostly because of the at home try-on but also for the “do good” campaign. you pick out five pairs of glasses on the website and (for free, though you have to give your credit card information) they will send you your chosen pairs to try on for five days. i don’t know about you, but “trying on” glasses on a picture of me just doesn’t cut it. the fit is so important when it comes to glasses and i really needed a company that would let me try the glasses on for real.

so here were my five picks:

{sorry for the reflection in all of the glasses. the only way i could competently take a picture of myself was on my webcam.}

and i chose… {drumroll please}

the beckett!

have you gotten new glasses recently, prescription or otherwise?

note: i did not receive any compensation from warby parker, bon look, spex club, or any other eyeglass company. the words above are solely my opinion.

my weekend in pictures.

{mmm. rootbeer! why can’t all beer taste as good?} 

{yummy burgers at lunchbox laboratory}
 {sunday morning brunch. thanks husband!}

{not so late to bed with the fall back} 

{“morning mom. time to get up!}
{family morning walk} 
{55 degrees in our townhouse – good thing for new heaters on tuesday!} 
{view of elliott bay from a friend’s new apartment}
how was your weekend?

welcome to the Bar counselor.

it’s official, i’m a lawyer!

yesterday afternoon, i was sworn in at the king county courthouse by Judge McDermott. i was accompanied by my wonderful husband and my fabulous friend, amanda, who was one year ahead of me in law school.

it was so surreal to be in the courtroom and having everyone tell me that i was about to be a licensed lawyer. this was such a great day, and even if i never end up practicing, i take the oath very seriously.


dog mail.

dear mom & dad,

i thought you would be so proud of me when you got back from dinner the other night. 

i jumped up on the counter all by myself even though you moved the stools away. its like you don’t want me walking on the counter or something. then, i saw my toothbrush sitting there and decided to give my teefers a little brush. 

that chicken flavored toothpaste is awfully tasty, but who knew brushing teeth was so difficult? i think i’m gonna need a new one…

you weren’t very happy with me when you got home. was it because i was brushing on the living room rug?

love & kisses,

the nordstrom half-yearly sale.

it comes just twice a year, and though not as amazing as the infamous anni sale, i do love the half-yearly sale at nordys.

here are the sale items i am lusting after:

are you planning on picking anything up during the sale?

happy november first!

one step closer to winter. the winter that i am dreading since it is slated to be a bad one. a “bad” winter in seattle is more than one inch of snow. seriously, in the last three years (starting with finals of my first year of law school) i have seen this city completely shut down because there are a few inches of snow on the ground. people get stranded on the freeways, buses get stopped on the side of the road and everyone takes refuge at the local starbucks. cross your fingers they are wrong about this winter…

on a happier note, with winter rapidly approaching it means that christmas is on its way! unlike nordstrom (which refuses to decorate for the christmas holiday until after thanksgiving) starbucks appreciates a little early celebration of the merriest of days with the release of the red holiday cup every november first!

{short soy decaf vanilla latte – lunch of champions!}
thanks to my husband for the shout out about this little blog on facebook – now the pressure is on! 
and also thanks to my newest (and first!) followers: Jen Everson and my husband!