my weekend in pictures.

 {scratch & dent sale at miir!}

 {ratatouille crepe at la cote down the street}

{lunch at top pot!} 
{veggie burger with bacon at counter burger in ballard} 

{this is the result of major separation anxiety – any ideas?} 

{beautiful tulips from my mom!} 

 {our new philip mccracken piece. now, where to put it?}

 {a sunday morning stroll to madison park – i love being within walking distance!}
{sunday morning coffee run} 
 {Did you try a cupcake yet? – we have a new cupcake bakery down the block}

{bath time!} 

 {tis the season at target!}

{our “new” rugs. this used to be an 8×11 rug which we bought pre-dog, but post-dog it got trashed so we salvaged two pieces to keep our feet toasty when we wake up!}
 i had a million things on my to-do list since this was our last full weekend before we leave for the holidays.
how was your weekend?

baby it’s cold outside.

i don’t know about you, but all i have been listening to is christmas music. what would i do without pandora this time of year, especially since the free version doesn’t cut out after 40 hours per month (that was the worst during law school finals). 
if i just want some nice background noise, i will play some instrumental christmas music (i am a sucker for the christmas version of canon & d – my fave and what i walked down the aisle to), but i really love singing along to old christmas favorites too! the bonus is when one of my favorite singers does the cover of a christmas classic!
{dia frampton cover of “baby, it’s cold outside.}
{sidenote: aaron and i were totally hooked on the show “the voice” in its first season (even though we didn’t start watching until about 3/4 of the way thru the show!), and completely fell in love with dia frampton. she is such an amazing singer/songwriter with a really unique voice. i know that aaron is smitten with her – she is just such a cutie, it is hard not to be! i can’t wait for her RED album to drop!} 
are you listening to christmas music? what are your favorites to listen to?

urban dictionary.

have you ever looked your name up in urban dictionary

well, today i did. and it may have made my day.

the first entry was pretty boring and straight-forward:

Misha is a Russian nick-name for Mikhail. It also means little bear or a teddy bear. “Misha the Bear” was the official mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Misha is short for Michael.

the second entry was much better:

Misha is an amazing, inspiring character. She possesses faultless beauty and a truly electrifying personality. She touches the lives of every single person she comes in contact with. She can only be described as some sort of exquisite gift. Anyone that has such Misha in their lives experiences a dreamlike, whimsical state when she comes around due to her pure perfection.

and the rest of the entries were just silly.

what is the urban definition of your name? did it make your day? {you’re welcome in advance.}