daphne {month twenty-one}


{alligator: JellyCat (old) // dress: old // leggings: babyGap}

{month twenty-one} Happy December! Maybe it is because I am in denial that we are rapidly approaching Daphne’s SECOND birthday, but it just does not seem like it’s been an entire month since her last monthly post. Continue reading “daphne {month twenty-one}”

daphne {month eighteen}


{alligator: Jelly Cat // tee: vintage (Aaron’s old) // jeans: babyGap (similar)}

{month eighteen} Can’t you just hear her saying “CHEESE!” when you see this picture? This age is SO MUCH fun and it is especially fun with Daphne girl. She continues to be the sweetest, sweetest kid and her chatting and babbling (and marching) is probably the cutest thing ever. Continue reading “daphne {month eighteen}”

daphne {month seventeen}

Daphne_Month Seventeen

{alligator: Jelly Cat // top and bloomers: Peek Kids (old)}

{month seventeen} Gah, seventeen months?! It seems like we have been so close to an year and a half for so long, but not quite there yet. Thank goodness. Aaron and I agree that this age is the BEST because there is so much verbal development and understanding happening. Plus, Daphne is just a sweet baby! Continue reading “daphne {month seventeen}”