a happy announcement!


{big sister tee: Thug Life Kids // letter board: Letter Folk // moccasins: Freshly Picked // hair bow: Hello Hadley Girl (similar)}

Happy Wednesday! If you missed it over on my Instagram & Facebook, we have (officially) announced the impending arrival of Baby Lower who is due in February!

While we pretty widely shared the news this time around, waiting until the end of the first trimester felt right to make everything social media official. With pregnancy tests being able to detect pregnancies so early these days, you can find out when you are just about a month or so pregnant. That was true with me – I was about 4.5 weeks – when I took a test on Father’s Day morning. My cycles were non-existent at that point but I had been testing my ovulation which actually seemed to have some pattern. I fully expected a negative test, but was SHOCKED when it was positive! Since Aaron didn’t know I had taken it that morning, I wrapped it up & gave it to him as a Father’s Day present. I still wish I had taken a video of his face when he saw it – haha! It was the greatest!

I am just into my second trimester & starting to feel so much better, tired, but not nearly as much nausea as previous weeks. This pregnancy feels pretty similar to my first one which is comforting, though I know there will be some curveball! We have been taking weekly pictures which I will do a big post on sometime soon to catch you all up! A fair warning that there is no bump yet… EVERYONE told me/has been telling me that you start showing earlier with second (third, fourth) kiddos, but I really think I have a few more weeks before I am going to start showing. I can tell but it really isn’t obvious that I am sporting a bump yet. Le sigh. I am in the awkward phase where my pants feel too tight & I look like I need to give up dessert, so stretchy pants & rubber bands on my pants buttons for now!

Hopefully your Wednesday is a little happier & I will be back with bump updates soon!

xo M

Eloise meets Santa {2015}!

We went down to see Santa at the downtown Nordstrom with our friend Beatrice last year {see that picture here} & decided to make it a tradition! This Santa Claus is a particularly busy one, so we have opted to always go early in December so I can include copies of pictures with some of our Christmas cards {but not so early, like on Black Friday, when there is an 8 hour wait!}.

This year we headed down on December 1st & tried to get there as soon as the doors opened. We weren’t the first in line, but didn’t have too many people in line in front of us. Even still, the entire thing took about 90 minutes, & it was right during nap time, so I was just waiting for a meltdown to happen {&, spoiler alert!, a tiny one did}. Eloise was really into the decorations & lights, but was pretty antsy the entire time. The kid just does not want to stay still {& I don’t blame her!}.

As you can see below, Eloise was very stoic at first, & then she got really sad.

So we called it good with the first picture & Eloise was much happier to roam around Santa’s workshop/window display while we waited for Beatrice to sit on Santa’s lap {that also didn’t happen & B was not happy to see Santa either!}.

Do your littlest love or hate Santa Claus? I always feel so bad for Santa when he has to pose with kiddos who really just don’t want to sit with him!


a {late} thanksgiving turkey!

So I know it is December & Christmas is in the air, but I had to share this adorable shoot of Eloise dressed up as a turkey. We dressed her up in this costume for actual Thanksgiving, but since she wasn’t feeling well, we thought we should give it another shot!

And for those of you wondering where this costume came from, it is from Aaron’s sister Cari who dressed her three kiddos in it & has saved it over the years! Thanks Aunt Cari!


The sweetest turkey ever, right?


eloise {fifteen months}


{lion: jellycat via Nordstrom // dress: Oshkosh // book: All the World // hair bow: Hadley Girl}

{month fifteen} we are busy over here chasing our toddler around & it is no joke! I didn’t realize how quickly she would go from an infant to a toddler but I think it started around the time she learned to walk. Now she is ALL OVER the place & is very determined. However, she is such a joyful child – so, so happy! From the time she was a tiny baby until now, people always ask if she is always THIS happy. & the answer is always YES, she is always THIS happy! {well, she has her moments, & more these days, but all in all she is just happy!}

{sidenote: that book All the World that Eloise is holding in the picture was a birthday gift from a friend who has a daughter just one day younger than Eloise – they are BFFs! Eloise ADORES this book & basically wants to read it at least three times a day. If you ask her to pick out a book to read before nap time or bed time, it will be this book. Plus, it is a beautiful book! A simple story – more of a long poem – & great illustrations. Highly recommend for other mamas!}

When we were visiting Texas last month, Eloise & I took a big step & we weaned from breastfeeding. I knew it was coming & it was really an ideal situation because she wasn’t sad about it. We weren’t in our normal routine while visiting San Antonio (& sleeping was rough for all of us!) & Eloise was just really distracted with everything new as soon as she woke up the first morning, & we didn’t nurse. & then we didn’t nurse again the next day & she really didn’t seem to mind. So I called it quits. It was really bittersweet for me, but more on the sweet side. If you would have told me when she was born that I would nurse her for 14 months, I would have called you a crazy person! While I do still miss that time with her, I am happy to feel a little more free these days! Also, it may be a coincidence, but Eloise is liking (cow’s) milk way more these days than she used to!

Eloise has been signing for a while, but we have really noticed it this past month since she really is able to communicate with us as to what her needs are. She is very proud of herself when she signs & it makes things so much easier when I don’t have to guess why she is whining or pulling at my leg or pointing & grunting at something. Eloise signs: please, water, milk, more, all done. We are working on: thank you, help. Along with signing, Eloise is also babbling & talking much more! She babbles to herself (& to me) all day long, but there are some things she can actually verbalize, mama & baby being most of them. She does call me Mama (which melts my heart!) but calls other things mama as well, & also repeats mama when she is very sad & crying (its the worst!). She knows baby & will point to a picture of a baby & say “BABY”! We repeat words to her all day & I know she is learning them since she sometimes will softly whisper the first sound of a word I repeat for her. I feel like we are going to wake up one day & she is going to be talking!

Lately, Eloise loves reaching for things high up on shelves or tables. She is always up on her toes trying to look out the front window, or grab something off the dining table. We have had to clear out the third shelf up of our living room bookcase since Eloise is now tall enough to reach up there & grab things. Along with reaching, she also likes to lift everything up & put it up onto something – the coffee table, the bookshelves, my lap. I think it is because she wants to be standing & looking or playing with that thing at eye-level. She is getting an Eloise-sized table for Christmas & I hope this helps!

As you have probably noticed from photos (including the one above) Eloise’s hair is getting so long! The back is long enough to touch the tops of her shoulders & her bangs are growing into her eyes. I am not ready to cut it yet since I feel like we are in the awkward stage but almost thru it! Much like me, Eloise is getting whispy hair around her face & under her current bangs. I have started pinning her hair back with bow clips & she usually doesn’t mind them too much. I never liked the huge, huge headbands when she was little (or really any headbands!) but I am liking the simple bow clips, even though they make Eloise look so grown-up! While she only sports a Mohawk in the bathtub these days, she still has crazy hair! We give her a bath about every other night, & those nights she goes to bed with damp hair she wakes up looking like she stuck her finger in a light socket!

As was true last month (& even more so now) Eloise is into giving people things. She is eager to share toys & things that she is holding with you, & will be persistent if you don’t want to take it. Sometimes she wants the thing right back, & sometimes she really just wants to give it to you. It is pretty cute, especially when she tries to give Sadie her dog toys!

We are working on learning body parts these days & sing lots of “Head Shoulders Knees & Toes.” We have a copy of the song in a book & whenever Eloise sees it, she points to her head! She knows where her belly button is & will lift up her shirt & show you if you ask her to – the cutest thing ever! She (mostly) knows where her nose, ear, hair, & teeth are too. We also try to use the Spanish words for these body parts as well – bilingual child here we come!

As Eloise is more & more steady on her feet (& will be running so soon, I know it!) she wants to climb. She can’t climb onto much yet except for her little singing chair. The couch & our dining chairs are too high for her to climb without assistance (for now), so we are giving her lots of practice climbing up the stairs. She does so well! We also need to work on teaching her how to get down the stairs safely (backwards). I think she would do it on her own since she knows how to get off of the couch backwards, but we are pretty weary of letting her near the stairs since they are so slippery! When we have time during the week, we head to the local shopping center (University Village) where there is a great little covered play area. Eloise can climb up the stairs & go down the slide (with help!) & she loves it. I am eagerly awaiting the warm spring weather so we can hit up the outdoor playgrounds!

Another thing that Eloise is obsessed with is light switches. If I am holding her in the living room, I will take her over to one of the banks of light switches & let her flip them on & off. I think she gets what they do since the room goes dark & then light, but I think she mostly loves the movement of the switch. But sometimes she wants to switch the lights on & off & I can’t hold her up (or am taking a break!), so then she throws a small tantrum because she can’t climb up the wall & switch the light on & off… oh boy.

Eloise is still taking two naps a day & sleeps 12 hours at night (from 7:30 pm to almost 8 am). It is a schedule that works really well for us still & allows us to get out in the early afternoon for errands or a play date. However, after traveling & just being busy, we have found that Eloise can get by with just one nap per day in the afternoon. I think she is going to be ready to transition soon, but she still sleeps pretty well in the morning during nap time so I am not ready to give it up just yet. We will see what the coming month will bring!

We go in to see her pediatrician for the 15 month check up at the end of the week & I am eager to see what her height is. Recently people have been telling me that they think Eloise is getting so tall! I don’t really see it, but I am also with her all the time. Even Aaron thinks she is taller these days.

{weight} a few weeks ago she was 24 pounds, so let’s go with that!

{hair} dark (reddish) brown.

{teeth} four bottom teeth & four top teeth, four molars & the start of all four canines.

{eyes} dark brown.

{clothes}  12 month, 12 to 18 month, 18 month, & some 18 to 24 month.

{diapers} full-time cloth {bum genius freetime, pocket, & elemental} & honest company size 4 diapers at night with a bum genius diaper cover.

{feeding} during the day, 4 hour cycles. no more nursing! 2 to 4 oz of milk in a sippy cup at mealtime.

{likes} books, mama & papa’s cell phones, toys that squeak or rattle, singing & music, Sadie, standing, FaceTime, bathtime, standing, her snack cup, shoes, mama’s (diaper) bag, laughing, lifting things up onto tables or someone’s lap, carrying heavy things around, hugs.

{dislikes} having something taken away from her that she really wants to have, diaper changes, (sometimes) her carseat.

{nicknames} Bug{s}, Love Bug, Baby Bug, E, Wheezy, Kiddo, Love, Bugaboo, Ellie or Elle.

Happy fifteen months Eloise!


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eloise {12 month photos}

I just got eloise’s one year photos back & I am so excited to share them! she did so well during the shoot & I am really happy with the way they turned out. prepare for LOTS of photos! {& how did she get SO big?!}

{sidenote: right after we got eloise’s six month photos taken, we were told that our photographer Melissa was bowing out of her business to spend more time with her family. great for her, but so sad for us. I LOVED her! but, she referred us to a few other photographers (that had a similar style) & we found Alicen who shot these photos of eloise.}

{dress: June & January (no longer available) // moccasins: Freshly Picked // green tee: Old Navy (same but different colors) // chambray pants: babyGap (no longer available) // lion: jellycat via nordstrom // onesie: Lil’ Giggles Etsy Shop // bloomers: Carter’s (no longer available) // bow: Lululuvs // shirt & bloomers: Peek (similar top & bottom) // party hat: DIY // E light: Michael’s}

love you eloise – our sweet toddler!


{see eloise’s newborn & six month photos.}

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diy crib rail covers.

shortly after eloise got her four top teeth (this winter) I noticed a few gnaw marks on one end of her crib rail. it is something I had always heard about, but never really thought of. but lo & behold, pinterest was filled with crib rail covers! luckily, Amanda also did a short write-up/tutorial about making custom crib rail covers for her daughter some time ago.

as with my quilt post, I am not making this a “tutorial” post because I definitely shouldn’t be showing anyone how to make these covers! they turned out well in the end, but I spent A LOT of time (really too much time) going back & fixing mistakes that I had made. basically this is a pretty straight-forward project, but for whatever reason I had a little more trouble with it. (I am blaming it on the fact that I have been elbow-deep in three different sewing projects!)

I didn’t want these covers to stand out a lot in eloise’s nursery & since everything in that room is pretty neutral, I followed suit when fabric shopping. I figured out white fabric would be best since her crib is white. then I used some left-over fabric from her balloon mobile to add to the ends, & a little red ribbon to give a small pop of color (& one that is already present in the space). I am really happy with how these turned out; they aren’t too matchy-coordinated, & don’t stand out too much.

I didn’t see any more teeth marks on the crib railings before these covers went on, & haven’t noticed eloise gnawing on the covers lately, but it gives me some piece of mind that she won’t completely destroy the crib. I have a mama friend who has teeth marks all over her daughter’s crib from another baby (& the ironic part is that, at the time, her daughter didn’t have any teeth!) – so there’s that! {UPDATE: so before this blog post is even going to go live, I noticed teeth marks on one of the side rails… guess I am making two more covers. thanks eloise!}

maybe someday I will get around to sewing some cute crib sheets! (also, you can see that we dropped the mattress enough that I no longer need a crib skirt! maybe for a future nursery.)


diy triangle quilt for eloise.

we decided not to go overboard with presents for eloise when she turned one which is pretty much our gift-giving philosophy for our kids. we did the same at Christmastime – just a few small stocking stuffers and one bigger gift. this helps because not only do we not have the space for lots & lots of toys, but we like the idea of toy minimalism, other people are very generous at birthday time, & eloise is too young to really know about new toys (& we are taking advantage of that for as long as possible!). maybe we will change our mind in later years, but for now this is pretty awesome. {we did get her this cute little IKEA cart & this first mobile phone.}

but, I did want to do something special for eloise, & by “do something” I mean “make something.” & what I ended up making her was a quilt. it was my first one (well, other than this quilted playmat that I made her in the spring, but I really don’t consider that a quilt, especially after making this one!).

the idea of a quilt has been around for quite a while & it started when I picked out my wedding dress. yep. my dress had this tremendously long & gorgeous train. I knew that some day I wanted to have quilts made out of it for our future children, so I kept the train but not the dress. I honestly thought I would have to find someone to make a quilt for me since the fabric of the train is silky, but I challenged myself to give it a try first, especially since there is so. much. fabric.

I scoured Pinterest to find a simple quilt pattern & quickly found this triangle one. it was perfect! the pattern was simple & I loved the ombre. (I realized that I had my choice to do ombre or not, but I really liked the look of this original quilt). when I was buying fabric (at Jo Ann since I have trouble buying fabric online – I like to see it, feel it, & look at it along with other fabrics) I was less than excited about the color choices in solid cotton. I was really wanting to do a coral ombre & grey, & ended up having to go way pinker than originally intended. that said, in the end, I really like the pinks with the cream color of my train. instead of white fabric I used my dress train along with dark pink, pink, light pink, grey, small grey dots, & larger grey dots (for the back).

while I normally add a tutorial with my DIY posts, there is no way I qualify to write a tutorial for making a quilt. I learned SO much on this project, but spent SO much time re-doing a lot of the aspects of this quilt. the sewing of the triangles went pretty well & I used a basting adhesive spray to help keep the train material from slipping in my machine. it worked well keeping fabric together but was really sticky on the fabric; I had to wash the front of the quilt twice to get the adhesive off. {a sewing friend told me later to use tracing paper on top of the fabric to keep it from slipping & then rip it off once the stitches are in place – this is an awesome trick!} once I started quilting the triangles (the white dots & the grey), I realized that the batting I was using was WAY too thick (I used the same thick batting as the quilted playmat) but kept on quilting. & then I got 90% done & decided I didn’t like it, so I ripped all of the quilting out! I asked Amanda about what quilt batting she uses (see her quilts for us here & here) & ended up taking her advice, using this batting at her recommendation. quilting went so much better & looked so great! then I got to the binding & it was a lot more ripping of seams. I used pre-made binding (rather than making my own) but I had no idea what I was doing & ended up buying binding that was too thick. after binding one side, I ripped it out & trimmed the binding down by half. it went much better the second time around, though I wish I would have hand-stitched the second set of stitching on the back of the quilt (the idea of hand-stitching sounded so awful & tedious at that point!) but oh well. I am still really happy with the quilt. & there is SO MUCH fabric left fo future children’s quilts!

eloise was pretty pleased with the quilt when I first showed her & she pointed out the colorful triangles – it melted my mama heart!

have you made a quilt before? any tips you want to share?


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eloise {first birthday party DIYs}

now that I have shared eloise’s first birthday party pictures, I thought I would share all of the party-planning details & the DIYs (since a lot of you have asked!).

first birthday parties have become huge events, thanks mostly in part to pinterest. (yep, I am totally blaming pinterest for this one!) I have a girlfriend who likened a child’s first birthday party to a wedding… sometimes it seems that way, right? I LOVE to decorate for parties, but had to set realistic expectations for what eloise’s party would be like because it would have been so easy to get super carried away. plus, eloise is only going to remember this party from photos. first birthday parties are for parents moms (& same with nurseries!) so I was determined not to go overboard.

of course I had a pinterest board (it was secret though!) & I honestly started pinning ideas of things around the time she was 6 months old. once we got closer to the actual event, I decided on a theme: polka dots. I knew it would be easy & simple, & it was something that eloise loved too! for me the theme was one of the trickier parts because I am not a fan of party décor that is super matchy-matchy. I think blogs & pinterest has created this idea that every single thing at a party (food, decorations, invitations, etc.) have to be perfectly on theme. but I prefer a more subtle theme, so dots were perfect.

color was the very first thing that I thought of & I pinned a few different colorways before I found the perfect one (see below). I wanted something that was fun, a little girly, & sophisticated, & this was right on! the colors I ended up with were all of my favorite colors: navy blue, mint green, grey, hot pink, teal, & gold. {& if I would have had time to make those paper party blowers, I would have! next time.}

{image via}

I started with the invitation since that would be the first thing everyone would see &, let’s be honest, I adore paper goods. just like Christmas cards, I designed the invitation (using photoshop & illustrator), had them printed at my favorite local printers (Girlie Press if you live in Seattle!), & snail-mailed them to our guests. while sites like Paperless Post & Evite are really great (especially for managing RSVPs), there is something really special about a mailed card that you can hold in your hand & hang on your fridge. plus, after perusing the Paperless Post site for a few minutes, I quickly decided I would be so much happier if I just made my own invites since nothing seemed quite perfect. the other great thing about having designed the invites is that I could later make party signs that followed the same theme.

{sorry this is so pixelated!}

& since I was doing paper invites, I also decided I wanted to line the envelopes. this is a little something extra that I think is really fun & I never get to do with our Christmas cards since it would be so time consuming! after shopping around at a few craft stores, I opted to design a stripey pink envelope liner (& then the hot pinks matched perfectly!). in order to save time, money, & paper though I made the inserts half size so that they didn’t go down inside the entire envelope. it ended up working perfectly & I could even print two liners per page! since I did the liners later, I had them printed at my local Kinko’s (the online printing service is pretty cool!).

when it came to décor, I knew I wanted to DIY a few things, but I wanted to keep it simple. garlands, balloons, party hats. that was pretty much it!

going with the polka dot theme, these paper dot garlands were perfect. I have seen a lot of different versions in my pinterest feed, but I liked the ones with the same size dots just in different colors. I chose the colors based on the paper supply at Michael’s & ended up with a glittery gold (but the glitter didn’t fall all over!), grey, hot pink, & mint green. I decided on a 3 inch circle (I traced the lens hood on our camera which was the perfect size) & traced & cut out all of the dots. it took some time (a few evenings of White Collar) & I had cramped hands afterwards, but I didn’t want to spend a ridiculous amount of money on a 3 inch paper circle cutter just for these garlands! once I had the dots all cut out, I sort of randomly arranged them in order making sure there weren’t two dots of the same color together, or too much of a pattern. then I just sewed them together using a slightly longer stitch than I normally would for fabric. I left a long thread on both ends of the garland & used a white cotton thread (my go-to) to sew the dots together right down the middle of the dot. I didn’t leave room between the dots (though I could have) & found that putting down two pieces of washi tape on my machine helped to line up the next dot. {see dot garland pictures below with the ONE balloons!}

I also wanted to make a small garland to hang on the chalkboard. I found this great cardstock with gold polka dots at Michael’s & grabbed a few sheets since it was so on-theme! I ended up using some of it to make half of the chalkboard garlands (the other half I used plain cardstock). I like the look of little flags, so I used a simple rectangle & cut out the bottom triangle to make it a flag. I cut little slits with an exacto knife & then thread each flag onto white twine (with a gold glitter thread).

I ended up deciding pretty early that I wanted to make party hats since most of the kids at the party would be around eloise’s age. while a regular-sized party hat would have fit, I like the look of a slightly smaller party hat, especially on little kids. so I found this party hat template on Oh Happy Day! & printed it at 75% (or so). then I traced & cut out seven party hats out of plain cardstock, & one out of the gold polka dot cardstock (for eloise). I originally wanted to glue paper dots onto each hat using the same paper that I had used for the big dot garlands, but once I started one hat, it looked terrible. I could have probably painted dots onto the hats & it would have looked cute, but I opted at that point to leave the party hats plain. to make the hats look a little more festive, I added a small tissue pom pom to the top. there are lots of tutorials on how to make tissue poufs on pinterest & the interwebs. I used 5 sheets of tissue paper that were like 2 or 3 inches (small) & used very thin floral wire to wrap around & keep the pom poms together. I left the wire long on each pom pom so that I had something to tape onto the inside of the hat. I used gold & teal tissue for most of the party hats & hot pink for eloise’s polka dot hat. {sidenote: though these party hats were mostly intended for kids, they really weren’t super kid friendly. we didn’t have any issues with the hats, but the elastic & floral wire made them slightly dangerous. I made sure we had supervision while wearing the party hats.}

the other theme of the party (other than polka dots) was ONE since that was the age eloise was turning… so I thought it would be fun to have big balloons that spelled out ONE after seeing this adorable set-up with letter balloons. I ordered the O and N balloons from the Oh Happy Day! Party Shop in the large size (34 inches – they were huge!) because that was what was in stock. I was able to find the exact same balloon on Amazon for the letter E. there was a bit of a fiasco though once I had the balloons filled & while things didn’t go according to plan, I was able to make it work & was really pretty happy with it in the end. so if you are thinking about using giant letter balloons, learn from my story: on thursday evening before the party (which was saturday afternoon) I decided to run out to our local party store to have the balloons filled while aaron put eloise to bed so that I didn’t have to go out on friday & try to wrangle eloise plus three giant balloons. I was able to get the balloons filled (with helium) & home with no issues. I begged aaron offered to help me hang the balloons & the dot garland once I got home so we could check that off of my to-do list. we quickly figured out that filling the balloons with helium wasn’t ideal since I wanted them to hang near the top of the window, but didn’t want strings hanging down in order to keep them floating in the right place. so we taped them from the top of the window & weighted them down at the bottom with metal nuts (actually a really genius move by my husband!). all was well until 7 am on friday morning when I heard a POP! yep, the E balloon burst right at the seams & I was left with balloons that spelled out “ON.” perfect. Amazon Prime can get stuff to us quickly, but not that quickly, so I headed back to the party store later that afternoon (& luckily my mom was in town by that time so she watched eloise). while I was assured at the party store by multiple employees that the E balloon didn’t burst due to overfilling (I still question that, but I was picking my battles at that point!) they did make sure to tell me that the balloons sold on Amazon have about a 50% failure rate. that would have been nice to know. luckily this party store sold the same gold numbers, & the number 3 backwards looks a lot like a letter E. right before I was getting the 3 filled though, I noticed that it was a slightly different gold color than the original balloons. uh oh. but do you know what? the number 0 & the letter O are identical & I figured it may look somewhat purposeful if the O & the E were a different color than the N so I went with it. I also was talking thru the weighting process with the balloon fillers & they told me all of my problems would be solved if I just had the balloons filled with air. duh! so for the same price as helium (what?) I had the 0 & 3 balloons filled with air. once I got home, we took down the letter O & hung up the 0 & backwards 3. it was perfect (well as perfect as it was ever going to be!) & you couldn’t even tell the color difference! so all of that to say, if you are going to buy letter balloons, don’t buy them off of Amazon & buy a few extra just in case!

we had two cakes at the party – one for adults & party guests, & a small smash cake for eloise. the big cake was a vanilla one from Whole Foods & while I am certain it had the highest quality ingredients, aaron & I decided early on that we didn’t want to introduce eloise to sugar (just yet!). so I made her a little smash cake that was banana & blueberry with whipped coconut milk frosting. I really wanted some kind of cake topper too & made two sets (one for each cake) using this cake topper as inspiration. it was really simple to make. I cut different widths of paper strips (using the same paper as the big dot garlands) & glued them onto a wooden BBQ skewer (which I cut down in length after the flags were on it). once all of the paper strips were glued on, I cut out the little triangles from the ends, making each flag a different length. I added the writing with a gold paint pen, & added the gold-thread twine (which is the same I used to hang the chalkboard garland).

because of the smash cake photo op, I wanted to decorate eloise’s highchair a bit. nothing too elaborate, but I did make two little garlands that hung on the front of her tray. the first one was a tiny version of the dot garland. I used a small circle cutter that I have (it is about an inch and a half) & then sewed the small dots together just like I did with the bigger garland. the other garland used the same little cardstock flags as the chalkboard garland, & I added ONE to the middle three flags.

while perusing pinterest for party ideas, I came across a few pins for a party time capsule. I instantly fell in love with the idea & knew I wanted to do some type of time capsule for eloise to open on her 18th birthday. I found this great gold polka-dotted box at Home Goods & knew it would be perfect. the idea is that I am saving things from eloise’s first birthday party, storing the box, & giving it to eloise to open on her 18th birthday. pretty fun, huh? so far we’ve got all of her first birthday cards, the cake toppers, eloise’s party hat, the garlands from the highchair, the 3 balloon (since it doubles as an E for eloise!). plus, I thought it would be fun for each guest (well adult) to fill out a card for eloise so she could have all of them to read in 17 years (see picture below). I am hoping to add her ONE onesie that she wore on her birthday & for her first year photoshoot (still waiting on pictures from the photographer), a string that is the same length as her at one year, & perhaps some printed photos from her party & photoshoot.

& finally, I always put a Kraft paper tablecloth out on our dining room table (where we serve food) whenever we have a big group of people over. it gives me peace of mind that the table won’t be destroyed by water or food, & it makes clean-up so easy! plus, it usually goes with the party décor since I almost always incorporate Kraft paper somehow. I keep this huge roll of Kraft paper around for occasions such as these (& use it to make table runners, signs, wrap gifts, the possibilities are endless!). for this party, I also added some confetti to the table that I picked up here (apparently it is the BEST confetti ever!).


{this is the only photo we have of the table – birthday party aftermath!}

I had SO much fun planning eloise’s party! &, if I do say so myself, think I did a pretty good job managing the décor & not going too crazy.

did you plan a first birthday party for your kiddo(s)?


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eloise {first birthday party!}

eloise turned ONE & we had such a fun time at her party! we were surrounded by family & friends to celebrate the first year of our daughter, & it meant so much to us that everyone came over. surprisingly, I wasn’t as emotional at all about eloise turning one (even on her actual birthday!) & I really thought I would be a mess. lots & lots of people have been asking for party pictures, so here you go. {warning: there are a lot of photos!}

{we had lawn flamingoes & a dot garland to welcome guests (to our very dry lawn!). I meant to get the big flamingoes, but ended up ordering miniature ones instead (no longer available)!}

{this was a time capsule that I am doing for eloise’s first birthday. I asked each guest to fill out a card to include in the box. more details to come!}

{eloise’s smash cake & other birthday cake.}

{just brushing her teeth & playing with mama’s phone at her party.}

I didn’t take the words of advice to really limit the guest list because we wanted this to be a celebration that included all of the family & friends that are important in eloise’s life. however, I did want to keep things casual & not have a strict schedule of events, so we just did two things: a fortune telling & the cake smash.

in the Korean culture, first birthday parties are a very big deal – traditionally & in the modern day. one of the birthday traditions – the Dol – is that a child is set in front of objects & picks one. the object that is chosen is supposed to be representative of that child’s future. since eloise is half-korean, we thought it would be fun to do at her party. we also incorporated a voting portion & each guest put his or her name in a cup to vote on which object eloise would pick. once she had picked an object, I drew a name from that cup & had a little prize. I tried to stick to the traditional objects & keep the number minimal so she didn’t get overwhelmed. needless to say, she was overwhelmed & got upset at the beginning! (funny thing is that another kiddo who had a Dol at her party also cried when she had to pick!) at first eloise went for the thread/yarn, but after getting some reassurance from her papa, she ended up choosing the book. big surprise! so, eloise is going to be a scholar in her future!

{we had the objects set out so guests could see them & vote for which one eloise would pick! you can also see a shot of the slideshow we had going on the TV – all of eloise’s weekly & monthly pictures.}

{she set out for the thread first, but before she grabbed it she stopped, looked up at everyone, & started to cry. aaron gave her some snuggles & then sent her back on her way. she picked the book & was pretty happy with her choice in the end!}

after the Dol we decided it was time for some cake. I got a simple vanilla cake from Whole Foods for the guests to enjoy, but aaron & I didn’t want to introduce eloise to sugar, especially in that quantity, on this occasion. {sidenote: I realize that I won’t be able to keep eloise away from sugar forever, but I might as well while she has no idea what it is!} so I made a sugar-free banana & blueberry cake (it was similar to a banana bread) with a whipped coconut milk frosting. the recipe made two 9 inch cakes which was way too much & I ended up cutting two small circle cakes out of one of them & stacking them on top of each other (& I froze the other cake). in hindsight, I should have made a whipped cream cheese frosting instead since this was the first time eloise had coconut & she didn’t seem to be a fan. she wasn’t super interested in the cake (which was a huge surprise to us all) & I think it was because of the coconut. I gave her just the plain cake later & she gobbled it up!

{these smash cake pictures are like the many faces of eloise!}

{I am not sure which one of these family photos I like the best. & I love that eloise’s feet are blurry because she was wiggling!}

& a huge THANK YOU to our friend jess & my brother-in-law ben for taking pictures at the party! I made sure to leave our camera out (thanks for getting some snaps jess!) & asking ben to bring his camera to take photos so that I didn’t have to worry about taking the photos during the party. plus, it means that aaron & I are in them which is really special!

happy happy first birthday eloise!


eloise {week 52}

{romper: Gymboree // lettuce rattle from this farmer’s market set // quilt: gift from neighbor}

{week 52} & the final monthly photo. phew! no big update for the week since I just posted eloise’s month twelve/one year update here.

also, I have been asked about whether I will be continuing with weekly updates, & the answer is no. it has been such a challenge to get eloise to stay still these past few weeks months as it is! I will be continuing with monthly updates, however, & will be sure to share big updates. thanks for following along in this first year!

happy 52 weeks eloise!


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