my weekend in pictures.

{A sunny morning greeted us on Saturday, so Aaron headed out to the local garden store to get compost and soil conditioner. We all spent most of the morning outside enjoying the sun and digging in the dirt. Plus, all of my spring blooms are starting – the Daphne is flowering and the tulips are starting to sprout!}

{We had family dinner and the girls were so sweet during the bedtime story.}

I was TERRIBLE at taking pictures this weekend, but I think that means I really enjoyed it, right? The SUN absolutely has given me life and even though I know we will get the rain and grey back before spring really gets here, it’s just been so nice.

We had such a fun time with friends this weekend, including staying up WAY too late on Saturday night playing games, chatting, and noshing on delicious dessert and treats, and then being really sad when we sprung forward and lost an hour of sleep. Honestly though, our kids haven’t ever really been affected too much by the time change, so it’s mostly just a pain to change the clocks… And we had another fun PEPS play date this morning which came way too early, but was worth the breakfast sammies and coffee. Ha! But, we are really just feeling so thankful for such great friends.

All in all, a great weekend. How was yours?


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