my weekend in pictures.


{Have you seen all the fall flags in the Shop? It’s hard to choose favorites, but this BOO one is pretty much at the top of my list! And there is a BOGO sale going on right now: use BOGOSTANDARD to buy one standard flag and get one free, and BOGOMINI to buy one mini and get one free!}


{Eloise has been super into art projects lately (okay, always) and she loves writing her name. It is amazing to see how much better she is getting at letters in just the past month or so!}


{Enjoying the sunshine with lots of neighborhood walks, as of late. I know the rain will be here before we know it so we have to get all that Vitamin D! Also, the girls holding hands is my favorite.}


{We stayed in our jammies basically all day on Friday and the girls played so well together! This shape sorter is one of Daphne’s favorite activities and she is getting so good at matching the shapes!}


{On Saturday morning Eloise and I headed to a school friend’s birthday party, complete with oil pastel painting and swimming! And it was so fun to meet some of Eloise’s new school friends and their parents too.}


{Aaron and Eloise helping out at family dinner on Saturday night. They were making a caprese salad which was so, so yummy!}


{This morning it was drizzling and wet on and off so we hung out inside. Eloise got this huge glowing bouncy ball as a party favor, and it managed to keep the girls’ attention for a surprisingly long time!}


{Did I ever mention the plumbing work we had to have done last month? Well, plumbing is a-okay but there is still some drywall patching left to do. So after Aaron sanded, it was my turn to prime.}


{Part of Eloise’s Halloween costume arrived this afternoon (a Kazoo trumpet) and everyone had to take a turn.}


{This evening I headed over to the W in Bellevue for a 6 Pure Barre Challenge which officially starts tomorrow. I am trying to get back into a good routine (since basically taking the entire summer off) but a little nervous about 6 workouts per week (4 barre workouts and 2 cardio) for the next SIX weeks! Wish me luck. Especially because I am taking 6 AM classes during the week. Ahh!!}

A fun weekend that definitely felt like fall with the cooler weather and the drizzly rain. We saw some friends and got some projects done around the house, so all-in-all a good weekend, though never quite long enough! Here’s to another week in which I (hopefully) start becoming a morning person!

How was your weekend?


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