daphne {month seventeen}

Daphne_Month Seventeen

{alligator: Jelly Cat // top and bloomers: Peek Kids (old)}

{month seventeen} Gah, seventeen months?! It seems like we have been so close to an year and a half for so long, but not quite there yet. Thank goodness. Aaron and I agree that this age is the BEST because there is so much verbal development and understanding happening. Plus, Daphne is just a sweet baby! Continue reading “daphne {month seventeen}”

daphne {fifteen months}

Daphne_Fifteen Months

{alligator: Jelly Cat // dress: June & January// leggings: Target (old)}

{month fifteen} In re-reading Eloise’s fifteen month update (linked below) I found myself nodding thru the entire thing since pretty much everything that was happening at that time with Eloise is now happening with Daphne girl. Continue reading “daphne {fifteen months}”

daphne {month fourteen}


{alligator: Jelly Cat // lovie: Angel Dear (via Amazon) // tee: Old Navy (old; similar) // jeans: babyGap}

{month fourteen} I was just re-reading Eloise’s fourteen month update (which is linked at the bottom) where I mentioned that she seemed more like a toddler than an infant, and that is totally true with Daphne girl! Continue reading “daphne {month fourteen}”

daphne {month thirteen}


{alligator: JellyCat // top: Carter’s // jeans: babyGap // shoes: Keds x Rifle Paper Co.}


{And the outtake… that finger is just the same size as her nostril, so it must belong in her nose, right?}

{month thirteen} How has it already been a month since Daphne turned one?! It seems like yesterday and forever ago at the same time. Continue reading “daphne {month thirteen}”

daphne {one year photoshoot}

Two weeks ago Daphne and I dropped off Eloise at school and headed down to SoDo for her one year mini photoshoot with Ashley, who did our Christmas card photoshoot in the fall. (If you are local, I HIGHLY recommend her!) It wasn’t the best time for Daphne (right after lunch is her favorite time of day, or first thing in the morning) but since we were confined to Eloise’s school schedule and I didn’t want to be driving thru downtown anytime in the late afternoon, I picked 10 am which is right when Daphne’s usual morning nap is. Generally speaking, I can get away with planning something at this time once or twice per week and Daphne just goes with it, taking a longer afternoon nap (which will be her new schedule in the coming months). Continue reading “daphne {one year photoshoot}”

daphne {first birthday party!}

To start, I wanted to give updates on Daphne’s stats since she went to her wellness check-up last week.

Daphne’s check-up went so well and she was happy and interactive with the doctor. She is generally pretty social and friendly, but sometimes gets stranger danger, so we never know. I really don’t like to try to get the kids to “perform” for other people, but it is always nice when your kids actually show their doctor things they can do (rather than just hearing us say that she is doing those things). Her doctor was happy with her growth (she is right at the top of the growth curve!) and impressed that she was walking so well. All-in-all a great check-up! Continue reading “daphne {first birthday party!}”

daphne {month twelve // one year}


{alligator: JellyCat // top: Peek (old) // onesie: Carter’s // jeans: babyGap // moccasins: Freshly Picked // lovie: Angel Dear (duck)}


{And an outtake! That smile.}


{That’s a wrap! Of course Eloise wanted in on the photoshoot fun!}

{month twelve} Happy FIRST Birthday Daphne! Continue reading “daphne {month twelve // one year}”

daphne {week 52}


{letterboard: Letter Folk (Poet) // top: Oshkosh (old) // jeans: babyGap (old)}

{week 52} Gosh, the last weekly update. I am not ready for this. I will be back tomorrow with Daphne’s ONE YEAR post so stay tuned!

Going forward, I will switch to monthly updates because weekly is well, a lot. Many, many people told me that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with a post every week because two kids are way more work than one kid. But I am happy I was able to do it! This blog is basically my kids’ baby book after all.

And here is Eloise’s 52 week update.

Happy 52 weeks Daphne! We can’t wait to celebrate your first year of life this weekend!


daphne {week 51}


{letterboard: Letter Folk (Poet) // dress: Carter’s (old) // leggings: Target (old) // book: The Little Feminist books // quilt by Amanda with Rifle Paper Co. fabric}

{week 51} Walking. Daphne’s newest trick. She’s still pretty unsteady but she is so, so proud of herself! She is also a lot more confident and tries to walk pretty much any time she can.

Also, as you can see above, lying down on her back when she is not sleeping isn’t really an option these days.

Daphne’s favorite toys right now are Eloise’s Duplo legos and The Little Feminist books. She likes to take the legos apart, put them in her mouth, carry them around, and then try to put them together (and sometimes she is successful). And those little books, there are four of them, are fat little board books with only four pages, but the pictures are bright and Daphne is obsessed. She is always holding one of them and carrying it around.

Mealtimes are still going pretty well. We have some issues with Daphne wiping food off of her tray towards the end of the meal or trying to feed Sadie (she will look around and say “good girl” and then give Sadie food), but she is such a good eater still! Everything. She eats everything. But she especially wants whatever is on my plate. So if there is something that I am eating that she isn’t also eating (generally at breakfast time) she will yell out until I give her my food and she won’t stop until it’s all gone! And, she is obsessed with drinking out of a (sippy) cup. Straw, no straw, she doesn’t mind. She will hold the cup and drink on her own (we are working on tipping it) but will eventually bang it onto her tray which is loves.

Daphne also constantly has something in her mouth, so we have had to be extra careful about what small toys Eloise has upstairs. She sticks something in her mouth and then goes about her business playing with other toys. But having something in your mouth all the time also creates more drool, so she’s like a little snail and leaves a trail of drool all over the floor… But her most loved thing to stick into her mouth is Dad Tiger from our Daniel Tiger family set, though she also really likes the wooden strawberry half and most recently a slice of tomato (which is impressive because it is super wide).

And here is Eloise’s 51 week update.

How (HOW) do we only have one more weekly update left? I swear Daphne was just born. Right?

Happy 51 weeks sweet Daphne!


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