daphne {four and a half years}

{four and a half} Here we are 18 months later and Daphne turns four and a half  and is starting Pre-K. During an ongoing pandemic. In a mask. And not eligible for a vaccination. This time has been really, really challenging, but Daphne has been such a good sport about it and probably doesn’t even remember the “Before Times” which simultaneously blows my mind and breaks my heart.

This spring brought low COVID rates in our neighborhood and zip code, so we were able to keep Daphne in preschool. She ADORED her time with her teachers and classmates, and we felt lucky that she had such a great little school community that was pretty sheltered from the rest of the world.

Once school was out in June, we had some pretty big changes at the house. We kicked off the kitchen remodel, but it included our living room space too, so we lost a lot of the house for the entire summer. There was a lot less indoor space to play, so we tried to get Daphne outside as much as possible. She loves to take walks and ride her bike. Any time she sees someone, especially a neighbor she knows, she will give the friendliest HELLO!

While I was nervous, I did end up sending both of the girls to bike camp for two different weeks over the summer. Masks were required and all of the camp was outside and socially distanced (I mean, they were on bikes). Daphne did SO well despite having a broken chain on the first day and being one of the youngest (if not the youngest) at camp. She LOVES riding her bike!

Despite her almost always cheerful demeanor, Daphne has really struggled with all of the change. This past year and a half has brought so much unknown and change to our normal life, but we also had big changes at home with Fitz joining the family as well as remodeling. Daphne told me a few times in the past months that she didn’t like the change (with school – she’ll be at a new school for Pre-K, with the house, not seeing friends or family) and even today, she broke down in tears saying that she missed our old kitchen! I hope that this next year can bring her more stability and support.

And here’s the latest Things Daphne Says:

Mama, I’m start to get tired. It’s a good thing we have bedtime right after dinner.

I’ll save him (Fitz) in my heart.

Do you mind if I have one moment to do something in my room? I’ll be quick as a machine!

Brother was trying to crawl on me, but I’m not a jungle gym!

Mama, what color pants are you wearing? Are they green for Grandparents’ Day (St. Patrick’s Day is what she meant)?

Comes into the kitchen while we are making dinner. “I hoped we could watch a show (while you make dinner),” and gives the sweetest side eye. {And how could you resist? Of course she got to watch a show!}

Interrupts Aaron while he’s reading a bedtime story: “Can I go up the ladder after this story?” (To give Eloise a hug and kiss in the top bunk bed.) Aaron: “You always do,” and starts reading again. Daphne: “Does that mean yes or no?”

Aaron asked the girls to clean their room before watching a show. Daphne runs up and shouts “My room is clean! I put every single thing under my bed!” (And she was very proud and very correct.)

These Hershicles (Hershey kisses) are really good for your belly!

Aaron is serving scrambled eggs: I want sneezening (seasoning).

When I’m 26, I can be a doctor or a superhero!

There are three words in my name: Daph A Doodle. (This was her nickname at preschool.)

“Mama, how do you spell Evie?” “E-V-I-E.” “Can you say it again in slow mode?”

What is this tapping thing? (It was a label maker.)

Trees don’t fart because trees don’t have butt cheeks!

We stayed at an Airbnb by the river with a great view: “It’s the ocean! I love the ocean!” “No, it’s a river.” “I love the river!”

Can I please have more merry-go-rounds? (She was asking for more breakfast which was morning round biscuits.)

Daphne was swimming and standing on the pool steps: My underpants are dancing!

Aunt Yaya was talking to Daphne about how adults don’t suck their thumbs and Daph said “I’m going to stop sucking my thumb when I’m like 27.”

Daphne was up on the road of a small playhouse and she needed help getting down. Aaron: “Daphne, how did you get up there?” Daphne: “Magic.”

Talked to Daphne about the next few days: “So tomorrow morning I have bike camp and the tomorrow after that is Beatrice’s birthday party.”

Playing hide and seek with friends: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. I’m not very good at counting, just to let you know! 9, 10, 11, 12.

We are going to go to sleep on the medium floor (it was the second floor of a three story house).

This would be the perfect time to [fill in the blank]. {Any time she really wants to do something, she uses this phrase!}

weight} 43 pounds.
{hair} blackish brown.
{eyes} dark grey/brown.
{clothes} still prefers looser clothes, so 5 or XS in girls.

And here is Eloise’s four and a half year update.

Happy Half Birthday, Daph!


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