friday I’m in love.

Welcome back Friday!

{one} being a mother, according to Shonda Rimes.


{via Good Housekeeping magazine}

Even though being a mom is my full-time job, I sort of love this description of a Mom’s role by none other than Shonda Rimes. Being a mama is forever.

{two} loft pom pom hat.

Primary Image of Colorblock Pom Pom Hat

{via Loft}

I am such a sucker for pom poms on hats, & this one is no exception! It is 40% off with the code FIRSTLOOK along with the rest of the site!

{three} Trader Joe’s new products.

Did you know that TJ’s posts about all of its new products on its website? I don’t know about you, but I only shop for certain things at TJ’s (quinoa, snacks & crackers, pesto, olive oil, nuts, almond butter, cornbread, frozen croissants), partly because the selection is limited for what we eat & partly because we aren’t usually happy with the produce. However, when I do go I always check the end cap that is full of new products & always manage to find something I can’t live without trying. Now I will know to check ahead of time because time is so precious when you are shopping with a toddler!

Also, don’t forget to add your DIYs to  our Pinterest Christmas Linky Party! It will be live all month!

What are you loving this week?


Here are the instructions if you are a new to linky-party:
•click on the blue button at the bottom of this post – the one with the frog
•add a link to your Friday I’m in Love blog post in the URL field (please do not link to your home page but the specific post page)
•for “name” write a short descriptive name for your post
•if you would like to put the Friday I’m in Love button on the bottom of your post, we would love to see it there!


friday I’m in love.

welcome back friday!

{one} go gold for childhood cancer awareness month.

childhood cancer awareness month

{via Charlotte’s Story}

As I mentioned last winter (here) our niece Charlotte was diagnosed with stage 3 liver cancer when she was 15 months old. Since then she has had an amazing journey & recovery from chemotherapy & surgery to respect the tumor. We are so, so thankful every day that Charlotte was such a fighter & such a brave little one. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month & as much as it pains me that we even have to have a month devoted to cancer in children (seriously, it is just awful!), there aren’t nearly enough resources being used to help with research, treatment, & maybe one day, cures. Check out Kendra’s awesome post over on the Orlando City Mom’s Blog.

{two} five minute magic green sauce.

5 Minute Magic Green Sauce - use on salads, with chicken, or just as a dip! Easy ingredients like parsley, cilantro, avocado, garlic, and lime. Vegan! {via Pinch of Yum}

Have I shared this before? I feel like I have, but maybe I just like it so much that I have been sharing it with everyone! (Also, the search function on my blog is broken, so no Buenos). We don’t eat a lot of chicken around here, but if we do, I like to jazz it up a bit. I am all about simple during the week, so I buy a big box of chicken breasts (we like the Simple Truth brand – it isn’t organic, but for the occasional meal it works!) & then I can defrost in the fridge during the day, marinate for 30 minutes, & then have Aaron grill it up. This sauce though would work on a lot more than chicken! Try it & let me know what you think!

{three} fall wardrobe.


{via Cornflake Dreams}

As fall feels like it is rapidly taking over Seattle (seriously summer, why such an abrupt end?) I am feeling ready for the transition. It seems like eons ago I was wearing sweaters & jeans, & keeping the sleeves rolled down on my button-up shirts. And you know what else I am ready for? Dressing Eloise for the fall! What is it about clothes for tiny humans that are so darn cute?

what are you loving this week?


here are the instructions if you are a new to linky-party:
•click on the blue button at the bottom of this post – the one with the frog
•add a link to your Friday I’m in Love blog post in the URL field (please do not link to your home page but the specific post page)
•for “name” write a short descriptive name for your post
•if you would like to put the Friday I’m in Love button on the bottom of your post, we would love to see it there!
