fitz {month twenty three}

{month twenty three} Such a rough and tumble little guy, looking so grown up with his long hair and band-aids on his knees!

I attempted to trim Fitz’s bangs last month but his hair grows SO fast that he always has hair in his eyes. I have a hair appointment for him next month (a few weeks before our annual family photos) but I think I need to give him another bang trim. He often wears a hat so I can sweep his hair to the side and keep it back with his hat, but otherwise, his bangs grow straight down!

Fitz had his second dose of the COVID vaccine last month and did really well. He didn’t seem too bothered by it and had almost no reaction. He’s due for one more dose next month and then he’ll be fully vaccinated – hooray!

The girls had a few day camps in the past month, so Fitz and I have had a lot of one-on-one time on those mornings. One week – the hottest week in Seattle so far – the girls were at ballet camp in Bellevue so Fitz and I stayed over on that side of the lake for most of the mornings that week. There is a wonderful playground in downtown Bellevue, and while very hot since there’s little shade, has a small water park that turns on in the late morning. So I tried to keep in near the water as much as possible those days. He LOVES a playground, really any playground, so he was pretty thrilled to not be left at home and able to go and play!

There has been SO much language development. Again. I feel like that will be the update from here on out. Fitz is able to put together words and say multiple-syllable words. He wants to communicate SO badly and does a pretty darn good job of it. So much is contextual but we can nearly always figure out what he’s trying to say.

The FUNNIEST thing that he says is “Oh my gosh!” which he says whenever he’s surprised by something (or honestly, any time). He picked it up from Aaron who says “oh my!” whenever he is changing a poopy diaper – ha!

Even though Fitz LOVES to play with his sisters, he does independent playtime pretty well. He loves “reading” books and cars, the dollhouse (which is upstairs currently), and the ice cream set. He also really loves baby dolls too – giving them hugs and kisses. Fitz can do easy puzzles and matching games.

We were out at Seabrook, on the WA coast, last week with my family. And even though Fitz got sick in the car going there and back (ugh) he had a BLAST while we were out there. He loved playing in front of the house with his scooter or new golf set (there was a great grassy patch in front of the house with a sidewalk loop around it). And also he LOVED the beach. He hasn’t spent too much time in sand, but ended up up doing well with it (i.e., he didn’t eat it) and went “swimming” in the shallow pools as well. It was so fun to see him with my parents and sister – more people to dote on him. and he loved the attention!

Okay, so it seems like Fitz is a really big dude for his age. Any time we see a parent with a kid even remotely Fitz’s age, they comment on how big/tall he is. And honestly, he hasn’t been around many kids his own age, ever, so it’s hard to gauge. But, even though he’s towards the top of the growth chart (percentage wise) he’s actually 1 pound smaller than both of the girls were at this same age! Maybe he’s just taller?

{weight} 29 pounds
{hair} brown, but reddish in the light
{teeth} 12 teeth and 8 molars
{eyes} dark grey-green with light brown around his pupils (hazel)
{clothes} 2T, 2-3
{diapers} size 5 in Abby & Finn + Honest Overnight diapers in size 6 for nighttime

And here are Eloise and Daphne’s updates.

Happy last month before you turn TWO!


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