eloise {first day of second grade}

Yay for Second Grade!

Eloise was pretty nervous this morning when I walked her to school after Aaron, Daph, + Fitz dropped us off. All of the students (and their parents) formed a huge line that wrapped around the school as we waited to find her teacher. It was a lot. Honestly, it’s probably the most people I’ve been with since before the pandemic started. And as much as Eloise was really also excited for school, she told me last week that she didn’t like school anymore. After a year and a half of remote learning, I don’t really blame her, but it broke my heart.

BUT, when we got to the door near her classroom, there was the sweetest little balloon arch to greet the kids. And then her new teacher was just behind it and was SO enthusiastic. She was like “Welcome to Second Grade!” and greeted Eloise. I sobbed all the way home, I’m not even kidding. Partly it was because I can’t believe she’s in second grade; and partly because seeing all of those ELEMENTARY students being so brave and wearing their masks and going to school given the state of the world. It was a lot.

Aaron picked her up from school (we aren’t comfortable with her riding the school bus this year) and as soon as she got home, we were all eager to hear about her day. Even Daphne who must have asked 12 times today when Eloise was coming home because she missed her! And Eloise told us about her day, and her teachers, and her classmates. She ended up having a great day! And, right before she went to bed, she told me that she is SO excited to go to school tomorrow to see her teacher. Cue the (happy) tears.

I can’t wait to see what’s in store for Eloise this school year!

Happy first day of second grade, kiddo!


{And here are her past first days: Kinder // First Grade}

One thought on “eloise {first day of second grade}”

  1. Misha, your post brought tears to my eyes. It’s so unfair that these little children should have to wear masks or sit in front of the computer to learn. I’m glad that at the end of the day Eloise was a happy girl and anxious to return to school the next day.
    Kendall, Ryan, and Natalie (grades 7,8,10) in Alex Are back to virtual for two weeks. I hope that doesn’t happen at Eloise’s elementary school. These children are just missing out on so much, and I can’t even begin to imagine trying to teach in this situation.
    Blessings and Bonne journée ❤️

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