my {long Christmas} weekend in pictures.

Not a huge weekend update, but here are a smattering of photos from our Christmas weekend!


{This kid! Eloise wants to wear her sunglasses all the time, even when it’s dark outside. And if there is even the slightest bit of light, she covers her eyes and says “too bright mama!” This is definitely a PNW kid and a true Seattleite!}


{We opened stockings and presents from Santa first thing on Christmas morning. Eloise was so sweet, and wanted to open and play with everything before moving onto the next present. This stretched Christmas out all day long which was fine with us!}


{This year’s Christmas table. It was so fun to use my late grandmother’s brass candlesticks, chargers, and crystal. We brunched with Aaron’s brother and some close friends, but Christmas dinner was just the three of us! It was fun to start creating our own traditions; thus far it is Chinese food for Christmas Eve and lobster for Christmas!}


{Feeling so blessed this Christmas with my little family!}


{Cheese! Eloise and Sadie were pretty excited about heading out for a post-Christmas dinner walk to see the lights around the neighborhood.}


{And today Aaron and I spent most of our day cleaning out the pantry. Nesting in full effect!}

We laid-low this weekend since we were all a little under the weather with nasty colds, but by Christmas we were all feeling pretty good! Celebrating Christmas this year was so fun since Eloise mostly understood what was going on and had a ton of Christmas spirit! She replaced her normal “happy birthday” which she says all the time with “Merry Christmas!” And we have a few days to recover before my family heads into town for a belated Christmas celebration!

How was your holiday weekend?


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