eloise {month eighteen}


{lion: jellycat via Nordstrom // heart tee: Zulily // jeans: babyGap // bow: Hadley Girl (Liberty of London Eloise print) via Brickyard Buffalo}

{month eighteen} Despite her face being a bit out of focus, I can Eloise to smile at the camera by saying “cheese!” So this is her best “cheese” face. Oh toddlers, such a fun time!

Every month I say this, but EIGHTEEN MONTHS?! How did that happen? It is so bittersweet. I love this age; Eloise is so fun & interactive, but where did my tiny, immobile baby go? The toddler antics are at an all time high around here & Eloise is keeping me on my toes!

The biggest thing we’ve noticed in this past month is how much Eloise is talking. She has always been good a signing, but she is really starting to communicate about what she wants or sees & is learning so quickly! I am with her all day, every day, & there are still times that she says or does something & I am like “where did she learn that?” The list of her current words is growing at an alarming rate, but here are some of her words: bye bye, Papa, Mama, Sadie (mostly just the S sound), Leo ( her lion who is most often called Leo Leo), bath, poop (um, thanks Aaron!), dog (mostly the G sound), woof woof (the F sound), Eloise (it changes each time but mostly focused on the L sound & she pats her chest), Grammie (which is Mimi, for now), book, bag, up, down, night night. And the list goes on! Eloise has also learned to nod and shake her head (and say No, of course), though she sometimes doesn’t know which one to do.

Food-wise, we are definitely seeing some toddler pickiness that is humbling, to say the least, especially since Eloise has always been such a good eater! She is still trying almost everything we offer, but refuses a lot more food these days. Surprisingly, she is going on a fruit strike! A lot of her daily staples are being shunned: oranges, blueberries, kiwi, mango, blackberries. Eloise has learned about food being hot, and that Mama blows on it to cool it off. So naturally Eloise has learned to blow on her food before she takes a bit. Hilarious! Especially since she doesn’t realize not all food needs to be blown on before eating, like apples (that are kept in the refrigerator). I am offering Eloise a fork and/or a spoon at every meal, and she is really improving on her skills; it is frustrating at times & so, so messy, but she has to learn, right? I am also trying to work with her on drinking out of a cup though I need to be better about introducing it consistently so it isn’t such a novelty. I am dreaming about the day I can give her a regular glass cup to drink water out of & not have to worry about her spilling it or dumping it all over. Eloise is really, really good about eating off of a real ceramic plate, whether it is on her highchair tray or on the table.

I try my best to make sure Eloise has access to a water glass at any time of the day, so we often have at least one water cup out in the living room for her. And, being the detail-oriented gal that she is, she has learned to use a coaster. Talk about monkey-see, monkey-do! And if she sees a cup that isn’t on a coaster, she will find a coaster for that cup. I adore this kid! Eloise also likes things to be closed, so any open door or drawer will be dealt with accordingly!

In the past few weeks, Eloise has been all about music. She loves it! We almost always have music on when we are in the car, but until recently, we haven’t played it much at home. Eloise would like that to change, however, so in the afternoons we play music. She will let you know she wants to hear music by putting her fists up in the air and waving her arms. We call it party party and it is so cute. And once she hears music (of any kind, including a ringing phone) she will dance. She twirls and side-steps and bounces up & down.

We finally got Eloise on board with the high-five. It is great, especially as an alternative to a hug if we are saying good-bye. Eloise has recently started to hug her friends, but usually saves them for Mama & Papa. Eloise also learned, from a friend, about knuckles (or fist bump) and she is obsessed! If you say knuckles, she will fist bump and want to do it over and over again!

Another thing that Eloise wants to do all the time is to color. When my mom was watching Eloise a few weeks ago, they did a lot of coloring, and now she wants to do it all the time. We are mostly thru the putting-the-crayon-in-the mouth phase which is pleasant. She seems to like coloring on pages that already have color or drawing on them, so I join in on the fun and color with her too!

Eloise’s single biggest obsession of the moment is a bath. If she hears the word bath, she will shout “bath” and head downstairs (well, to the gate at the top of the stairs) regardless of the time of day. And after dinner, she will almost always declare it is bathtime and start heading downstairs even though we don’t do baths every night (though she totally would if we did!). She loves to splash in the water and pour cups of water everywhere, including outside of the bath which we are working on nipping in the bud! After diaper changes, I always head to her bathroom to dispose of the diaper and to wash my hands, and she always goes over to the tub, stands on her tippy toes, looks in at her bath toys and says “bath!”

And the other bedtime activity Eloise loves is brushing her teeth. We have been brushing them each night for quite some time, but Eloise is so independent about it now. After getting into her jammies, she will head into the bathroom, push her stool over to the sink, climb up on the stool, grab her toothbrush and toothpaste (we use this one from Honest Company), and turn on the water. We still help her squeeze the toothpaste onto the brush, especially since she is just to have a tiny amount, and actually brush. She does brush some, but we help make sure she got all of her teeth!

Leo the Lion, who has been Eloise’s monthly picture partner from the beginning!, has become one of her very favorite toys. Despite him being totally squished in the picture above, he is often found being loved and cuddled, and carried around everywhere. Eloise requests him frequently (saying Leo Leo) and likes him to sleep with her. It is the cutest. When I bought that lion before she was born, I knew he would play a role in the monthly pictures (mostly to have something of consistent size to show E’s growth) but I didn’t know if he would become a favorite!

And finally, the gate that is in our upstairs hallway that keeps Eloise out of the entryway and stairs is back up. Even though we had it down for a few weeks and nothing terrible happened, Eloise spent a lot of time digging thru everything in our entryway, and also started a lot of unaccompanied trips down the stairs. We know that she can safely go up and down the stairs by herself but aren’t totally comfortable with the idea that she is going by herself! So, for now, the gate is back up.

{weight} 26.5 pounds as of last weekend!

{hair} dark (reddish) brown.

{teeth} 12 teeth plus four molars.

{eyes} dark brown.

{clothes}  18 month (growing out of), 18 to 24 months, and 2T. I am only buying 2T at this point since I don’t want to have her wear something just one time before she is out of it!

{diapers} full-time cloth {bum genius freetime, pocket, & elemental} & honest company size 4 diapers at night with a bum genius diaper cover.

{feeding} during the day, three meals, an occasional morning snack, & one afternoon snack. sippy cup of milk with every meal.

{likes} books, mama & papa’s cell phone, toys that squeak or rattle, singing & music, dancing, Sadie, standing, FaceTime, bathtime, her snack cup, shoes, mama’s (diaper) bag, clapping, putting things inside a bag or box, taking lids off of things, talking (Mama, Papa, quack quack), coloring, helping with anything & everything, when Papa comes home from work.

{dislikes} having something taken away from her, diaper changes, not eating when someone else is, being hungry.

{nicknames} Bug{s}, Love Bug, Baby Bug, E, Wheezy, Kiddo, Love, Bugaboo, Ellie or Elle.

Happy seventeen months Eloise!


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eloise {month seventeen}


{lion: jellycat via Nordstrom // onesie: Carter’s // skirt: DIY from Amanda // bow: Hadley Girl (Liberty of London Eloise print) via Brickyard Buffalo}

{month seventeen} This past month went so quickly (I blame the holidays!) that I was genuinely surprised to see the reminder pop up on my phone to do Eloise’s monthly photo shoot & blog post! Seventeen months. How is that even possible?

Eloise is a bundle of energy these days & so, so busy. But can we first talk about those pigtails! I have been able to put her hair up in pigtails for a little while, but I feel like her hair is just now long enough that it actually helps holding her hair back. Though it doesn’t hold her bangs out of her face, which is the biggest issue with her longer hair length. Most days, Eloise will keep a bow (on a clip) in her hair to hold those bangs back.

Talking is something that we have noticed so much more in the past few weeks – Eloise is a chatterbox. She just learned how to say Papa (sounds like Baba) & is overjoyed. She has said Dada in the past, but since we call Aaron Papa instead of Dada or Daddy, it makes much more sense. In the late afternoon/early evening after we have had our afternoon snack, Eloise (& Sadie) are always waiting for Papa to come home. If I say Papa, she will run to the front door & yell Papa! Eloise also says quack quack, woof woof (but more just the F sound), Mama, and a few other simple sounds. In addition, she also learned recently to click her tongue, so she often does that during playtime. A lot of the time, Eloise will just rattle off all of the sounds that she knows, so it sounds a lot like this: Mama quack quack quack woof woof Papa Papa Papa Mama Mama Mama quack quack.

Even though Eloise is learning to vocalize more, she is still a great signer. More and please are probably her most frequently used signs. She uses more to signify more of something, but also if she wants something new (& then you have to figure out what it is that she wants!). When she wants to do something & she isn’t supposed (or has something that she isn’t suppose to have & I take it away) she will sign please, & it is heart-breaking. But, signing has helped us so much in terms of being able to communicate with Eloise & I think it really helps keep all of us from being frustrated over not knowing what Eloise does or doesn’t want.

We started really working last month on it, but Eloise is officially a one-nap-a-day gal! She still has days where she looks ready to go down for a nap in the late morning, but I usually try to do a fun activity or even offer a small snack to help her get thru to lunch. That late morning time is also one of only a few times a day where Eloise is consistently fussy (or grumpy) the other being right before dinnertime. That convergence of hunger & tiredness is brutal sometimes! But, back to my point about one nap per day, it makes it so much easier to be out of the house for an extended period of time, which is so nice most days. I have switched when we go out of the house to run errands, or meet for playdates now to the morning (just after breakfast) as opposed to in the early afternoon which worked better with two naps. Eloise’s daily schedule usually looks something like this:

8 AM – wake-up (yep, a late waker!)

8:30 – breakfast

9 – playtime or errands/playdate (I also often get ready & shower during this time & Eloise will hang out with me in the bathroom in her exersaucer)

11:45 to 12:30 – lunchtime, sometimes it is earlier, sometimes it is later

1 PM – naptime (usually 2.5 to 3.5 hours, on rare occasions 4!)

3:30 (or after naptime) – snack & playtime

5 – Papa is usually getting home

6 to 6:30 – family dinnertime (we try to eat together every night)

7 to 7:30 – bathtime & bedtime

Our schedule, for the most part, is pretty consistent. Eloise has been on a schedule since about 4 months & it really works for all of us. Having that big chunk of time in the afternoon during her naptime is glorious & I am doing my best to be as productive as I can (or on occasion letting myself relax & rest!). That is the time I do projects around the house, DIY, blog, clean the house, etc.

Eloise LOVES to dance & it is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Any time she hears music, she starts to move her body side to side, or bend her knees & bounce, or shake her head. Seriously, the best! I have been trying to get video of it, but so far I haven’t been able to catch it without her catching me with my phone out! Pictures & video of her are tough these days because as soon as she sees that phone, she wants to play with it. It stinks because I feel like I don’t get to capture as many candid moments as I would like to anymore, but it is also a great reminder that I should be present with her in the moment & not worried about my phone.

Eloise, much like her Papa, wants to be helpful & she is a great little helper. She wants to be a part of everything, which is good & bad, but I am really trying to find ways that she can contribute. Over the holiday, my dad & Aaron built Eloise a learning tower which allows her to stand on a stool (of sorts) up at kitchen counter height so she can see what is going on & help out. The stool needed to be sanded & painted, so I will share a picture once we get it back.

As most of you know, Santa brought Eloise a play kitchen for Christmas (& I plan on sharing it soon, along with all of my hacks) & it has been a hit! A lot of the reason I think Eloise likes it so much is because it gives her a play area when she is standing. But I have really  noticed her pretend play in the kitchen so much & I hadn’t seen it before Christmas. She will get out a cup or bowl & a spoon & stir, & then offer samples of her dish to anyone who is willing to try. She puts on her little oven mitt before she opens the oven.  She puts her cup up to the faucet to get water & then drinks out of the cup.

And finally, I have been really trying to offer Eloise utensils at every meal. She is not super coordinated with them yet, but can get them to her mouth once loaded with food. Sometimes towards the end of the meal the utensils turn into play things & we take them away, but for the most part Eloise is really eager to eat her food off of a fork. I have also been offering her meals on a small ceramic plate or in a bowl. I got little appetizer plates & bowls from Crate & Barrel for about $1 each & they are perfect. It has been great to see that Eloise (mostly) will keep the plate or bowl on her tray or table & not toss it on the floor. It is tremendously helpful to know that she won’t throw dishes on the floor when we go out to eat. We have one plastic bowl we use for snack time & two versions of the EZ-PZ mats but neither Aaron nor I want to exclusively offer Eloise food on plastic plates. Maybe we are crazy or super naïve but the less plastic plates & bowls we have in our house, the better. It is slightly different with glasses & we use almost all plastic glasses & cups for Eloise now, but we are hoping at some point to transition her to small glass cups too, at least for meal times.

{weight} I would guess 25 pounds.

{hair} dark (reddish) brown.

{teeth} 12 teeth plus four molars. Hopefully we get a break before the two-year molars start making an appearance!

{eyes} dark brown.

{clothes}  12 to 18 months (some still fit but quickly growing out of), 18 month (also growing out of), 18 to 24 months.

{diapers} full-time cloth {bum genius freetime, pocket, & elemental} & honest company size 4 diapers at night with a bum genius diaper cover.

{feeding} during the day, three meals, an occasional morning snack, & one afternoon snack. sippy cup of milk with every meal.

{likes} books, mama & papa’s cell phone, toys that squeak or rattle, singing & music, dancing, Sadie, standing, FaceTime, bathtime, her snack cup, shoes, mama’s (diaper) bag, clapping, putting things inside a bag or box, taking lids off of things, talking (Mama, Papa, quack quack).

{dislikes} having something taken away from her, diaper changes, not eating when someone else is, being hungry.

{nicknames} Bug{s}, Love Bug, Baby Bug, E, Wheezy, Kiddo, Love, Bugaboo, Ellie or Elle.

Happy seventeen months Eloise!


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eloise {month sixteen}


{lion: jellycat via Nordstrom // dress: Gymboree (old from summer) // thermal longsleeve sshirt: Old Navy // leggings: babyGap // moccasins: Freshly Picked // Santa hat: handmade by Aunt Kelly (same as last year’s)}

{month sixteen} Even more so than last month Eloise seems like such a toddler these days! She is super mobile & walks (& runs!) all over the place, wants to do everything herself, & shakes her head “no” a lot… Yep, toddlerhood!

Eloise is super smart. We have always known that, but it is amazing how much she knows & understands. Just this morning when we took her monthly picture, she knew exactly what was going on. She saw the camera & immediately {attempted to} put on her Santa hat, grabbed Leo, & was climbing up in her chair (though she still needs a little boost)! She gave me a few shots & then decided she was “all done” which she didn’t sign (like she normally would at the end of a meal or something) but by taking off her hat & climbing down off of her chair. And beyond just this morning, we have noticed that she takes instruction & direction pretty well. We can ask her to get something or do something & normally she will!

While Eloise is still getting one more tooth (that last canine!), I feel like we are in a lull of teething. This one isn’t bothering her too much, & she isn’t supposed to be getting her next set of molars until around 2 years. {Though I have heard from lots of mamas that those 2 year molars are the worst! I am not looking forward to that this summer!} Eloise went in for her second appointment with the dentist earlier this week & got a clean bill! She wasn’t thrilled about it, but she did lay on the chair long enough for the hygienist to brush her teeth & check her new ones, & for the dentist to do a quick examination & swab on some fluoride. My guess is that it was the time of day (during her usual AM nap) that caused the crankiness during the appointment rather than the dentist. Eloise is pretty open to us checking her mouth & teeth if we are concerned about something, & we have gotten into a good habit of brushing her teeth every night. She actually seems to enjoy it, especially since we have more than one toothbrush for her (all from the dentist) so we can give her one without toothpaste so that she can brush her own teeth!

In the past month we have been working on dropping down to one nap, & I think we are finally making the transition this week. Most days when we are at home, just Eloise & me, I can tell that she is ready to go down around 10 AM or 10:30 (she gets up around 8 AM). But sometimes we have to be out & about during that morning time, so she doesn’t get a real nap. Starting last month though we started taking Eloise to daycare one day a week (& two days a week this month!) & since she is a toddler, there is only one nap in the daily schedule. It is good & bad, but is sort of acting as a forcing function for us to drop that extra nap which is probably a good thing in the long run. So now she gets up around 8 AM and goes down for a nap between 12:30 and 1 PM. It seems like a snack around 10:30 or so seems to help with any residual fussiness, and then we eat lunch around 11:45 or noon. Fingers crossed she starts taking two to two-and-a-half hour naps now (or maybe even three?) because I think she still needs that much sleep.

So day care. I don’t know if I have said much about it, but I will do a quick re-cap: Aaron, thru work, has a back-up care benefit that allows us to take Eloise to day care (or have a nanny come to the house) in the event that the primary caretaker (that’s me!) is unavailable. It is a set amount for the year that is very (very) heavily subsidized. We didn’t even realize it was a benefit until earlier this year, & then by the time I sat down & filled out the paperwork & got Eloise on the schedule, it was November. So we are taking advantage of all this time we have & she is going twice a week this month. While I absolutely miss her terribly while she is away, it is SO nice to have 5 or 6 hours to myself, especially this time of year when I have committed to one billion craft projects & things around the house. Plus, I think it has given us all a really good introduction to child care which is great because in a few years Eloise will be in some type of pre-school. The bummer part is that there are lots of germs at daycare, hence us all being so sick over Thanksgiving which was from her first day!, & also that it is so expensive, outside of this particular benefit. It would be great to have the option to send Eloise to part-time daycare, but honestly, it is like another mortgage payment for this particular center, so I guess we’ll have to win the lottery first!

Eloise has started really talking these past few weeks. By that I mean actually saying words, rather than babbling sounds. Most of the time she will parrot what we are saying or if we say what something is & point to it. It is pretty fun to hear her speaking & I know the coming months will be full of so much speech development.

{weight} 24 pounds.

{hair} dark (reddish) brown.

{teeth} 11 teeth plus four molars & one final canine coming in on the bottom.

{eyes} dark brown.

{clothes}  12 to 18 months (fit perfectly!), 18 months, & 18 to 24 months (still long in length).

{diapers} full-time cloth {bum genius freetime, pocket, & elemental} & honest company size 4 diapers at night with a bum genius diaper cover.

{feeding} during the day, three meals & one afternoon snack. sippy cup of milk with every meal.

{likes} books, mama & papa’s cell phone, toys that squeak or rattle, singing & music, Sadie, standing, FaceTime, bathtime, her snack cup, shoes, mama’s (diaper) bag, clapping, putting things inside a bag or box.

{dislikes} having something taken away from her, diaper changes, (sometimes) her car seat, not eating when someone else is.

{nicknames} Bug{s}, Love Bug, Baby Bug, E, Wheezy, Kiddo, Love, Bugaboo, Ellie or Elle.

happy sixteen months eloise!


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eloise {fifteen months}


{lion: jellycat via Nordstrom // dress: Oshkosh // book: All the World // hair bow: Hadley Girl}

{month fifteen} we are busy over here chasing our toddler around & it is no joke! I didn’t realize how quickly she would go from an infant to a toddler but I think it started around the time she learned to walk. Now she is ALL OVER the place & is very determined. However, she is such a joyful child – so, so happy! From the time she was a tiny baby until now, people always ask if she is always THIS happy. & the answer is always YES, she is always THIS happy! {well, she has her moments, & more these days, but all in all she is just happy!}

{sidenote: that book All the World that Eloise is holding in the picture was a birthday gift from a friend who has a daughter just one day younger than Eloise – they are BFFs! Eloise ADORES this book & basically wants to read it at least three times a day. If you ask her to pick out a book to read before nap time or bed time, it will be this book. Plus, it is a beautiful book! A simple story – more of a long poem – & great illustrations. Highly recommend for other mamas!}

When we were visiting Texas last month, Eloise & I took a big step & we weaned from breastfeeding. I knew it was coming & it was really an ideal situation because she wasn’t sad about it. We weren’t in our normal routine while visiting San Antonio (& sleeping was rough for all of us!) & Eloise was just really distracted with everything new as soon as she woke up the first morning, & we didn’t nurse. & then we didn’t nurse again the next day & she really didn’t seem to mind. So I called it quits. It was really bittersweet for me, but more on the sweet side. If you would have told me when she was born that I would nurse her for 14 months, I would have called you a crazy person! While I do still miss that time with her, I am happy to feel a little more free these days! Also, it may be a coincidence, but Eloise is liking (cow’s) milk way more these days than she used to!

Eloise has been signing for a while, but we have really noticed it this past month since she really is able to communicate with us as to what her needs are. She is very proud of herself when she signs & it makes things so much easier when I don’t have to guess why she is whining or pulling at my leg or pointing & grunting at something. Eloise signs: please, water, milk, more, all done. We are working on: thank you, help. Along with signing, Eloise is also babbling & talking much more! She babbles to herself (& to me) all day long, but there are some things she can actually verbalize, mama & baby being most of them. She does call me Mama (which melts my heart!) but calls other things mama as well, & also repeats mama when she is very sad & crying (its the worst!). She knows baby & will point to a picture of a baby & say “BABY”! We repeat words to her all day & I know she is learning them since she sometimes will softly whisper the first sound of a word I repeat for her. I feel like we are going to wake up one day & she is going to be talking!

Lately, Eloise loves reaching for things high up on shelves or tables. She is always up on her toes trying to look out the front window, or grab something off the dining table. We have had to clear out the third shelf up of our living room bookcase since Eloise is now tall enough to reach up there & grab things. Along with reaching, she also likes to lift everything up & put it up onto something – the coffee table, the bookshelves, my lap. I think it is because she wants to be standing & looking or playing with that thing at eye-level. She is getting an Eloise-sized table for Christmas & I hope this helps!

As you have probably noticed from photos (including the one above) Eloise’s hair is getting so long! The back is long enough to touch the tops of her shoulders & her bangs are growing into her eyes. I am not ready to cut it yet since I feel like we are in the awkward stage but almost thru it! Much like me, Eloise is getting whispy hair around her face & under her current bangs. I have started pinning her hair back with bow clips & she usually doesn’t mind them too much. I never liked the huge, huge headbands when she was little (or really any headbands!) but I am liking the simple bow clips, even though they make Eloise look so grown-up! While she only sports a Mohawk in the bathtub these days, she still has crazy hair! We give her a bath about every other night, & those nights she goes to bed with damp hair she wakes up looking like she stuck her finger in a light socket!

As was true last month (& even more so now) Eloise is into giving people things. She is eager to share toys & things that she is holding with you, & will be persistent if you don’t want to take it. Sometimes she wants the thing right back, & sometimes she really just wants to give it to you. It is pretty cute, especially when she tries to give Sadie her dog toys!

We are working on learning body parts these days & sing lots of “Head Shoulders Knees & Toes.” We have a copy of the song in a book & whenever Eloise sees it, she points to her head! She knows where her belly button is & will lift up her shirt & show you if you ask her to – the cutest thing ever! She (mostly) knows where her nose, ear, hair, & teeth are too. We also try to use the Spanish words for these body parts as well – bilingual child here we come!

As Eloise is more & more steady on her feet (& will be running so soon, I know it!) she wants to climb. She can’t climb onto much yet except for her little singing chair. The couch & our dining chairs are too high for her to climb without assistance (for now), so we are giving her lots of practice climbing up the stairs. She does so well! We also need to work on teaching her how to get down the stairs safely (backwards). I think she would do it on her own since she knows how to get off of the couch backwards, but we are pretty weary of letting her near the stairs since they are so slippery! When we have time during the week, we head to the local shopping center (University Village) where there is a great little covered play area. Eloise can climb up the stairs & go down the slide (with help!) & she loves it. I am eagerly awaiting the warm spring weather so we can hit up the outdoor playgrounds!

Another thing that Eloise is obsessed with is light switches. If I am holding her in the living room, I will take her over to one of the banks of light switches & let her flip them on & off. I think she gets what they do since the room goes dark & then light, but I think she mostly loves the movement of the switch. But sometimes she wants to switch the lights on & off & I can’t hold her up (or am taking a break!), so then she throws a small tantrum because she can’t climb up the wall & switch the light on & off… oh boy.

Eloise is still taking two naps a day & sleeps 12 hours at night (from 7:30 pm to almost 8 am). It is a schedule that works really well for us still & allows us to get out in the early afternoon for errands or a play date. However, after traveling & just being busy, we have found that Eloise can get by with just one nap per day in the afternoon. I think she is going to be ready to transition soon, but she still sleeps pretty well in the morning during nap time so I am not ready to give it up just yet. We will see what the coming month will bring!

We go in to see her pediatrician for the 15 month check up at the end of the week & I am eager to see what her height is. Recently people have been telling me that they think Eloise is getting so tall! I don’t really see it, but I am also with her all the time. Even Aaron thinks she is taller these days.

{weight} a few weeks ago she was 24 pounds, so let’s go with that!

{hair} dark (reddish) brown.

{teeth} four bottom teeth & four top teeth, four molars & the start of all four canines.

{eyes} dark brown.

{clothes}  12 month, 12 to 18 month, 18 month, & some 18 to 24 month.

{diapers} full-time cloth {bum genius freetime, pocket, & elemental} & honest company size 4 diapers at night with a bum genius diaper cover.

{feeding} during the day, 4 hour cycles. no more nursing! 2 to 4 oz of milk in a sippy cup at mealtime.

{likes} books, mama & papa’s cell phones, toys that squeak or rattle, singing & music, Sadie, standing, FaceTime, bathtime, standing, her snack cup, shoes, mama’s (diaper) bag, laughing, lifting things up onto tables or someone’s lap, carrying heavy things around, hugs.

{dislikes} having something taken away from her that she really wants to have, diaper changes, (sometimes) her carseat.

{nicknames} Bug{s}, Love Bug, Baby Bug, E, Wheezy, Kiddo, Love, Bugaboo, Ellie or Elle.

Happy fifteen months Eloise!


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eloise {month twelve // one year}

{sorry this post is so late today. I was having crazy computer issues…}

{lion: jellycat via nordstrom // onesie: Lil’ Giggles Etsy Shop // skirt: DIY from this tutorial with fabric from JoAnn // moccasins: Freshly Picked}

{month twelve // one year} happy one year eloise!

eloise is still in PT for her torticollis (see the original PT post here) but I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. we saw a new PT two months ago after we were referred back to PT by eloise’s pediatrician, but really didn’t jive with that particular PT (our original one had retired right after we were originally discharged). so, we found another PT & she has been great; eloise has been to see her twice & things are progressing well. we are in the final 10% & eloise’s tilt is hardly noticeable (& only if you are really looking for it). we just all really want to make sure that she is treated fully & there are no repercussions later on (vision & full muscle range are the biggest concerns). after a lot of back & forth, & the meeting of minds, we have decided to go forward with a cervical collar. it is a small wedge (basically) that will be fitted for eloise & will be placed at her neck on her left side; the point is to make it uncomfortable for eloise to tilt her head to the left & she will self-correct to the right. hopefully it will be short-lived & will be effective! (there is a chance it won’t do anything…) stay tuned for updates!

recently when I pick up eloise, she has started giving me little pats on the back. almost like she is saying “good job mama!” it is the sweetest thing! she also gives me lots of hugs throughout the day!

I just picked up this munchkin snack catcher at target because I have seen a few other mama friends with it. I wasn’t sure at first because I don’t do a lot of snacks with eloise (though she often gets hungry after her second nap since she eats lunch so early!) but I was sold immediately. eloise is still getting the hang of reaching in the cup, grabbing a few pieces, & pulling her hand out without spilling all of the snacks everywhere, but she is learning quickly. the biggest issue is that she likes to crawl & walk around with it (holding onto the handle) & the cup is upside-down… even so, best $5 I have spent in a long time! plus, sadie loves it too!

eloise is still a great eater & tries everything that we offer, even if she ends up spitting it out. it is so great to see your kid eating what you cook! she has started this new thing in the past month or so though where she waits until there is a little bit of everything on her tray before she eats anything. like she wants to know all of her options before she commits to her first bite. it is pretty funny. plus, if she sees any type of food on her plate that isn’t on her tray (since I don’t give her the entire plate), she will let you know that she wants to try that one thing she doesn’t have (usually by raising her voice & waving her hand in the air). her current favorite foods: cheese, avocados, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, mango, broccoli, tortilla. though the only food she refuses to eat is tomato. she will always try it, but then spits it out as soon as it hits her tongue. she will try it multiple times before she throws it from her tray.

books are still a big favorite around here. eloise LOVES books! we have books all over the house & she adores “reading” to herself. she will sit down with a book & turn the pages, sometimes babbling to herself or pointing or touching some of the pictures, before she gets to the end of the book. at the end, she sometimes gets sad (& will let you know!) & will turn the book over to the front & start again. she also has a particular book that plays music (it is one of two toys we have that requires batteries!) & she likes to open it & leave it open to play while she does other things. I have watched her & she often sings or hums (in her own way) when she hears the music. adorable! she also likes to dance when she hears music (she stands up & bounces up & down).

eloise adores her pacifier but has only ever gotten it when it is sleeping time (with the exception of travel – car or airplane). however, eloise, if she had her way, would suck on a pacifier all day long. if she has access to my diaper bag, she knows exactly what pocket her pacifier is in & will find it every time. if we are playing in her room after naptime, she will go over to her crib & try to get her pacifier. she will reach thru the crib rails & grab one within arm reach, or pull on her blanket or lovie thru the railings if the pacifier is on one of those things. if she sees a pacifier & can’t get to it, she usually raises her voice! she is pretty easy to distract though at this point & I can give her a book or a toy & she will forget. I can also take a pacifier away from her if it isn’t time to sleep & she doesn’t fuss or get upset.

while eloise has sported a mohawk for a lot of her little life, her hair is getting long enough that it doesn’t stand on its own (unless it is wet). I have noticed that her hair is starting to part on the right side. it is interesting because aaron & I both have left side parts! she looks so old (& sort of like a boy) when her hair is parted, but if I don’t push it a bit to the side, her bangs are in her eyes.

we celebrated eloise’s first birthday this weekend with a party at the house this past saturday (as seen here). we had the best time & were so thankful for all of our family & friends who came out to join in the celebration! I promise I will do a full recap in the coming weeks (I hope by next week!) once I get all of the photos & edit them. I had SO much fun planning & made all of the decorations. I am excited to share the fun!

{weight} 23 lbs (I will update if this is vastly different than her weight at her one year check-up tomorrow!)

{hair} dark reddish brown.

{teeth} four bottom teeth & four top teeth. (& two more on the top are about to cut!)

{eyes} dark brown. (but look dark grey sometimes!)

{clothes}  6 to 12 month, 9 month (in pants) 12 month, & some 12 to 18 month (18 is super long!).

{diapers} full-time cloth {bum genius freetime, pocket, & elemental} & honest company size 4 diapers at night with a bum genius diaper cover.

{feeding} during the day, 4 hour cycles. eloise started drinking only 2 to 4 oz at bedtime, so we split that milk feeding in half; she gets 2 oz in a cup at dinnertime & the other half at bedtime in a bottle.

{likes} books, anything she isn’t supposed to have, toys that squeak or rattle, singing & music, Sadie, standing, FaceTime, bathtime, pulling up to standing (on everything).

{dislikes} getting her face wiped off (after eating), seeing something she cannot have/chew on.

{nicknames} Bug{s}, Love Bug, Baby Bug, E, Wheezy, Kiddo, Love, Bugaboo, Ellie or Elle.

happy, happy, happy birthday to our little eloise! you are the most amazing adventure we have ever been on. there is nothing we would rather be doing than being your parents & we are so proud of the (tiny) human you have become over this past year. we are thankful for the sheer joy that you have brought into our lives & for making us happy every single day. your giggles are infectious & you have such a great sense of humor. you are light-hearted, kind, determined, & curious about the world around you. thank you for making us your mama & papa!

happy twelve months {one year} eloise!


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eloise {month eleven}


{lion: jellycat via nordstrom // tank & bloomers: Gymboree // moccasins: Freshly Picked}

{this picture is brought to you, in part, by eloise’s nursery clock/sound machine without which I would not have gotten a non-blurry picture &/or one without eloise launching herself head first off the front end of the chair. holy hannah. see my note about toddler below.}

{month eleven} good grief, eleven months? in some ways it is so hard to believe that we are approaching one year of life, but in other ways, eloise is more & more like a toddler. did I really just say that?

the toddler-like behavior to which I am referring is the “baby tantrums” that eloise is starting to throw when she doesn’t get what she wants. usually this manifests because eloise wants to chew (or hold or throw) something that she shouldn’t & I take it away from her. yep, the worst.

eloise loves to stand & cruise all along the coffee table, couch, & anything & everything she can pull up to standing on. she is so much more steady on her feet these past few weeks & I am predicting she will be walking (at least a little bit) by her first birthday. a big shock to a mama who was convinced her little one wasn’t going to be walking for a few more months!

even with all of the (assisted) walking, eloise is still really into crawling. while her army crawl has been mastered & she is lightning fast, just in the past few days she has really started crawling on her hands & knees. she was doing this before when she was getting close to something she wanted to pull up on, but now she is up off her belly more & more. she definitely isn’t as fast though & if she needs to get moving, she will drop down to her belly & army crawl! in terms of getting around, eloise has figured a lot of things out. she will start at her playmat on one end of the living room, crawl over to the coffee table or couch, pull up to standing & cruise along (walking) until she gets to the end of either of those, then she will drop down to sitting & crawl to her final destination (usually the kitchen, & usually sadie’s dog bowls…).

the past week maybe, eloise has begun to stick out her tongue (think Albert Einstein). she knew about her tongue months ago when she learned to blow raspberries, but now the tongue is back in full force. she is constantly sticking out her tongue & it is pretty funny. I think it may have something to do with all of the drool suddenly that has started. I will look over & eloise’s entire chin is covered in drool. lovely. & the drool, I believe, is from teeth. specifically lower molars (right-side). it is slightly early for molars to be coming in, but her dentist warned that since eloise got so many teeth so early, we could expect the same for molars. the teething hasn’t been awful, but we are thinking it has something to do with the fussiness at bedtime & one or two times in the middle of the night. while eloise usually just wants her pacifier & her lovie (which she has rolled away from) in the night, bedtime takes a lot more attention now with a few trips down to the nursery to retrieve her pacifier or give an extra snuggle.

eating is going well still & eloise is enjoying everything we are feeding her. lately I have been focusing on (& have been successful at) feeding eloise what we are eating at dinnertime. sometimes this is a challenge because of the type of food that we are eating (for example, aaron’s homemade pizza can be tricky for me to make baby-friendly) & also because I am still neurotic about organic food for eloise (& aaron & I don’t eat everything organic). but, when I do get it to work, it is so easy & awesome, & it means less clean-up & eating together as a family (if eloise isn’t eating what we are, she generally eats before we do in the kitchen while I prep aaron & my dinner).

speaking of eating, eloise’s new thing in regards to food is wanting to rip everything into tiny little pieces. I have started giving her larger pieces of food because she can bite or chew a lot of things these days (either with her front teeth or with her back gums) & that seems to be her preference. if I give her a tortilla, rice cracker, sandwich, she holds it between her two hands & rips it apart, eating only small pieces.

eloise LOVES sadie. always has & always will, but these days eloise’s mobility has meant that she gets a lot more opportunity to be near sadie. on occasion, sadie will stick around when eloise comes close & even let eloise pet her. we are trying to teach eloise to not only be gentle with sadie when she touches or pets, but also to respect sadie’s space. eloise is curious about sadie’s two crates (the one under the stairs & the other in our bedroom). on a few occasions sadie has been sleeping in her crate & eloise has crawled up to the gate, leaving sadie without an escape & sadie has growled or even barked. eloise hasn’t seemed to mind, but it has been a good reminder for aaron & me that sadie is protective of her own space & we need to set boundaries for eloise.

while it isn’t all the time, there are definite moments where eloise shows separation anxiety or a strong preference for either mama or papa. after waking up in the morning, after naptime, or at bedtime (when there is nursing or milk involved) eloise has a very strong preference for me. sometimes she will cry or fuss if I am not there & won’t stop until I do get there, or she will be fine with aaron until she sees or hears me & then starts to fuss. & recently I have noticed that if eloise is up & sees aaron before he leaves for work, she fusses when he leaves. also, eloise likes other people & doesn’t show signs of stranger danger, but often doesn’t like to spend too long in someone else’s arms if I am nearby. she would much rather have me hold her & interact with the other person from my arms.

one thing that we have been working on with eloise (but knew it would take months for eloise to learn) is sign language. we have kept it simple: milk, more, water, eat, & please. eloise knows the sign for water & will reach out for her cup during mealtime if you sign water to her. while eloise sometimes waves her fingers near her head when she wants water (which is sort of close to the actual sign), she often will hit her bib with her hand when she wants water (which I am assuming is from me signing please after water). the other way eloise lets us know she wants water (or more food) is to yell & hit her tray with her hand. not the best, but effective! she also knows milk & will stare at or grab at my shirt if she wants to nurse. since we nurse after eloise sleeps & that is consistent, I use the milk sign mostly to ask if eloise wants more milk; she likes to take breaks during nursing to read books (or I will do a diaper change) & so I will sign to her to see if she still has interest in nursing for longer.

{weight} 21 pounds.

{hair} dark reddish brown.

{teeth} bottom two teeth & four top teeth.

{eyes} dark brown. (but look dark grey sometimes!)

{clothes}  6 to 12 month, 12 month, & some 12 to 18 month.

{diapers} full-time cloth {bum genius freetime, pocket, & elemental} & honest company size 4 diapers at night with a bum genius diaper cover.

{feeding} during the day, 4 hour cycles. eloise started drinking only 2 to 4 oz at bedtime, so we split that milk feeding in half; she gets 2 oz in a cup at dinnertime & the other half at bedtime in a bottle.

{likes} books, anything she isn’t supposed to have, toys that squeak or rattle, singing & music, Sadie, standing, FaceTime, bathtime, pulling up to standing (on everything). 

{dislikes} getting her face wiped off (after eating), sitting still, (most) diaper changes before nursing, sitting in her highchair & not eating if she is in her highchair, the vacuum.

{nicknames} Bug{s}, Love Bug, Baby Bug, E, Wheezy, Kiddo, Love, Bugaboo, Ellie or Elle (my family).

happy eleven months eloise!


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eloise {month ten}


{lion: jellycat via nordstrom // jumper: babyGap // tank: Burt’s Bees Organic (similar) // moccasins: Freshly Picked}

{month ten} wait, didn’t eloise just turn nine months?

this month has been all about moving. eloise is constantly crawling, jumping, or wiggling. all the time! her crawling has progressed to being up on her knees & with her belly up off the ground, but still down on her forearms. I know she can get into a traditional crawling position since she can rock on her hands & knees, but doesn’t seem too interested at this point in getting up on her hands. she is so fast & efficient with crawling the way that she is that she may just continue!

eloise has also recently learned to pull to her knees (in a kneeling position). she has trouble pulling to standing, though she desperately wants to. I suspect she will first do it in her crib since the bars make for easy support. eloise LOVES to stand, whether she is holding your hands, or she is supported by a table, chair, or ottoman. walking isn’t imminent yet which aaron & I are mostly very relieved about. eloise can already move around so much that I think we need a little more time before she is walking! if eloise is standing up, she is mostly just so excited to be up on her feet that she starts to jump if you are holding her. she will take a few steps, but doesn’t really get the whole concept of walking just yet.

just yesterday I saw eloise, for the first time, go from her belly to sitting. I know that’s a game-changer. & then this morning she was sitting up in her crib when I went in for her wake-up. oh geez, she is such a big kid!

speaking of moving. as you may have seen from recent pictures (& did I also already share?) we ended up putting up one baby gate in our living room. as soon as eloise learned to crawl, she bee-lined for the entryway because shoes are her very favorite thing. she didn’t discover that if she turned down the hallway, she would get to the staircase, & we have been very unmotivated to teach her about that part of the house. I don’t really want a gate at the top of the stairs, but will if we need to, because I always have my hands full going downstairs (so opening the gate would be tricky) and I don’t want to have to drill into the drywall. I know, First World Problems. anyways, we got this pressure-mount gate for the doorway between the entryway & our living room & it works really well. eloise isn’t mad about not being able to go into the entryway anymore, & she discovered her love for the shelf on our side table (which is now storing some of her toys & books).

one thing that eloise is still learning how to do (but is so close) is clapping. she sometimes puts her hands together, randomly, but it isn’t exactly clapping. however, if you clap, she squeals with delight! I try to have her hold my hands when I clap or move her hands together to clap & maybe she’ll start doing it on her own.

just this week I dropped eloise’s third nap, so she is down to just two naps a day. a lot of people (parents & non-parents alike) were really surprised when I would tell them she was still taking three naps. she was on a three-hour feeding schedule, which is what she has been on since she was born (except that from months five & on, she wasn’t feeding in the middle of the night). there were a lot of reasons why I kept her taking three naps a day, including that every kid is different. eloise did really well with that schedule & often would take two 90 minute naps & a 60 minute nap. I think eloise, on the spectrum of sleep-needed, is like her mama & needs a lot of sleep! now eloise will, hopefully, take two 2 hour naps each day. the transition seems to be going really well & it gives us more time during the morning & afternoon to play, though her naps have been shorter than I would like. now we have time in the middle of the day (between 12:30ish & 3) to get out of the house. I still use the eat, play, sleep routine in our day which is wonderful. eloise has three solids meals per day with a nursing session before each, & then a bottle at bedtime after her bath.

in the past few weeks I have noticed a little eczema-type rash on eloise’s chest & neck. the semi-circle shape of it is where her bib doesn’t cover up & protect that part of her skin from food. I have been cleaning the area well after each meal & making sure it is washed in the bath. of course, it looks better in the morning when she first wakes up since it has been un-irritated all night. I picked up some Zoe Organics Everything Balm when I was at Target last night since I have heard it can do wonders for eczema (naturally). I will let you know how it works!

this kiddo is so expressive. she constantly makes faces & can go thru an entire range of emotions in just a short amount of time. her mean muggin’ face (last seen here) is still very popular & she does it constantly! now, though, she sometimes can’t keep a straight face & cracks a smile just as soon as her brow furls. but she also raises her eyebrows (the cutest), smiles & grins, & gives me faces that I know we will be seeing again in about 14 years.

eloise’s hair is awesome. everyone comments on it. I keep it sticking straight up because I love it & it reminds me of her newborn mohawk. it is getting so much longer though & lays flat from the weight of her hair. it still is fine like baby hair, but filling in so much. these days, it gets crazy since it is hot & she sweats. post-nap hair in this heat is pretty funny because the sides are always crazy & sticking out in all directions.

finally, lots of people (seriously everyone, people we know, we don’t know, moms, non-moms) have been asking about when I am weaning eloise. my goal from the start was to nurse thru one year & that is still the plan. not only do I feel fortunate that I get to be home & nurse her each feeding, but that I still have maintained my supply up to this point. eloise has slowly been weaning over the past months as she has dropped various feedings – her middle of the night feedings, bedtime, & most recently, her fourth daytime feeding when she dropped the third nap – & I hope to continue down that path. as long as eloise continues to want to nurse & I continue to have milk, I hope to get her to her first birthday & then start weaning her from her daytime feedings (& giving her milk in a cup instead at mealtimes). if possible I think I want to keep up her wake-up feeding for a bit longer. I love this time with eloise & it would make me so sad if we didn’t get that time together for very much longer. (though ask me another time & I may have a completely different story!)

{weight} 20 lbs. down slightly from last month. I am guessing it is from all the activity!

{hair} dark reddish brown.

{teeth} bottom two teeth & four top teeth.

{eyes} dark brown.

{clothes}  9 month, 6 to 12 month, or 12 month.

{diapers} full-time cloth {bum genius freetime, pocket, & elemental} & honest company size 4 diapers at night with a bum genius diaper cover.

{feeding} during the day, 4 hour cycles. at bedtime she gets a 6 oz bottle.

{likes} books, anything she isn’t supposed to have, toys that squeak or rattle, singing & music, Sadie, standing, FaceTime, bathtime.

{dislikes} getting her face wiped off (after eating), sitting still, (most) diaper changes before nursing, sitting in her highchair & not eating.

{nicknames} Bug{s}, Love Bug, Baby Bug, E, Wheezy, Kiddo, Love, Bugaboo, Ellie (my family).

happy ten months eloise!


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eloise {month nine}


{lion: jellycat via nordstrom // dress: Old Navy // moccasins: Freshly Picked}

{month nine} this seems like such a big milestone. I think it is because she is so much closer to being one than she is to zero… how did that happen?

this month’s post is pretty much all about eating! {these days I feel like all I do is prep food & clean-up the kitchen, & repeat!}

eloise is still eating (& enjoying) three meals a day (in addition to milk six times a day!). unlike her parents, eloise is a very leisurely eater often spending her entire wake time between naps eating. she is really starting to master feeding herself, but it is still messy enough that I strip her down to her diaper during mealtimes. in the mornings eloise has more fruits on her plate & by her dinner she has almost all veggies. this is mostly a time thing for me since slicing up fruit takes less time than roasting veggies!

I have gotten in a good habit of prepping food ahead of time so most of it is ready to go during the week. so if produce is ripe (apples, pears, avocado, mangoes, kiwi) I will (peel it &) chop it up, & then give about a quarter or half to eloise for that meal & then save the rest for later in the day. for veggies that I roast or cook (zucchini, yams, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, bell pepper) I will slice it (in rounds or sticks) & put it in a container in the fridge until dinnertime; then I put a few pieces on a pan, drizzle with olive oil or coconut oil, & roast them in the toaster oven. I have been using these small OXO plastic storage containers & these Glasslock ones

I do my best to give eloise a variety of foods, though I often feel like she is eating the same thing over & over. when I am at the store I peruse the entire produce section & pretty much buy one of each organic piece of produce. I have also been finding a lot more frozen organic fruits & veggies at either Whole Foods or PCC (a local natural foods market) which helps with cost & spoiling; blueberries & butternut squash are my new favorite frozen foods to serve. we are still limiting a few foods (strawberries, tomatoes) and wheat, gluten, & sugar, but did give eloise a whole egg (she had only previously had egg yolk) & while she didn’t love it, she didn’t have any allergic reaction either. phew!

though I have been mindful of trying to flavor eloise’s food (mostly purees) one of my mom friends introduced me to this great seasoning called Spike Seasoning (Salt Free) that we have been using on lots of eloise’s food to give it good taste without any added salt. I found it at my local Whole Foods, but you can find it online as well. it is a mixture of 30+ spices & flavors, & tastes really good. aaron & I have been enjoying it on our food as well. I add it to eggs, roasted veggies, meat (sliced no salt turkey from the Whole Foods deli), etc.

eloise is still nursing five times during the day, though her early AM feeding (between 4 & 6 am) is short-lived & I plan on weaning her from it in the coming weeks. in the past eloise has loved to nurse & would do so pretty much any time. these days, however, there are far too many fun things to look at & play with so getting eloise to sit still long enough to nurse seems like an often impossible feat. it is easiest when we are at home alone in her nursery since as soon as anyone (aaron, sadie, etc.) is in the room, she is disinterested. she will look around & grab for anything she can get her hands on; if I can get her attention, she will often resume nursing, but getting her attention is tricky! I have started nursing her immediately after getting her up from a nap when she is the most interested in nursing. then I let her play for a few minutes & change her diaper & then give it another try. I worry a bit that she isn’t getting enough milk even though she can get the same amount of milk now (or more) in much less time. sometimes when she has had a short nursing session she will get fussy later on & will want to nurse again (though this is rare); if not, I trust that she is getting enough.

eloise has been mastering her army crawl these days. she is all over the place & so quickly! the past week or so though she has started getting up on her hands & knees & rocking back & forth (without fussing!). crawling (for real) is imminent!

{weight} 20.5 lbs

{hair} dark reddish brown.

{teeth} bottom two teeth & four top teeth.

{eyes} dark brown.

{clothes}  9 month, 6 to 12 month, or 12 month.

{diapers} full-time cloth {bum genius freetime, pocket, & elemental} & honest company size 3 diapers at night with a bum genius diaper cover.

{feeding} during the day, 3 hour cycles. when e gets a bottle, she will take 4 oz & at bedtime it is a 6 oz bottle (though she often only drinks 5 oz).

{likes} books, anything she isn’t supposed to have, toys that squeak, singing & music, Sadie.

{dislikes} getting her face wiped off (after eating), not being able to play with her spoon at mealtime, having food stuck to her hand.

{nicknames} Bug{s}, Love Bug, E, Wheezy, Kiddo, Little Love, Bugaboo, Thumper (this is a recent Grammie one since eloise always taps her foot!).

happy nine months eloise!


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eloise {month eight}


{lion: jellycat via nordstrom // onesie: babyGap // jeans: babyGap // moccasins: Freshly Picked}

{month eight} this month eloise seems suddenly so much older! (like light years older!) I think it’s just that she is more independent & is able to do so much more on her own. it is very bittersweet for this mama – I am so excited for this little one to be growing & learning, but am also sad to be losing my tiny little baby.

she has kicked off this month with some nasal congestion which doesn’t seem to bother her as much as it bothers me. I thought I had my normal spring allergies, but I am suspicious since eloise also is a snot machine (which is what aaron affectionately refers to me as when I have a cold). as long as eloise can sleep & breathe normally, I don’t worry about her nose being stuffy. getting mucus out of her nose is pretty much impossible these days. she HATES the nose frieda or any wiping of her nose or mouth. so I guess it’s a snotty nose for me & eloise until we beat this. super fun…

eloise is all about blowing raspberries the past few weeks. she often does it while her diaper is being changed or while she is in her exersaucer. it is so funny to hear her babbling to herself & then start blowing raspberries. I have been trying to get it on video, but she’s pretty camera (phone) shy. her tongue has definitely become a fascination (as well as other people’s) and she likes to stick it out. sometimes you can get her to play mirror & stick your tongue out & she will reciprocate.

related to eloise’s new tricks with her mouth, she is teething like crazy! her left front tooth has finally cut, & the next two are well on their way (the right front tooth & the one just next to that). the drool seems to be increasing & eloise seems to be sucking & chewing on her thumb more these days. neither of these are definite “teething” symptoms since she does them pretty much all the time, but I feel like they are probably related somehow.

meals & eating have been going really well. just yesterday eloise started eating breakfast, putting her solid intake to three times a day. I need to figure out how much food to give her for breakfast & lunch since her usual large lunch portion seems to be too much now that she is eating just a few hours earlier. though eloise has continued to be a great eater, she seems to be slightly pickier the past few days. sometimes it takes a few attempts to get food into her mouth since she always makes a face during the first few bites. up until now there hasn’t been anything eloise wouldn’t eat & she has always been excited about eating. just last night we made beef ragout from Bebe Gourmet since we could just add pasta & have an adult meal as well (love only cooking one meal!) but eloise was not a fan. I was super surprised. she was interested in eating & opened her mouth wide for the spoon, but as soon as the ragout hit her tongue, she was spitting it out. the ragout had beef, tomato, & celery in it (none of which she has had before) but I am still surprised since aaron & I both enjoyed it. I saved some in freezer trays to try again this weekend.

since we are doing BLW solids, eloise has learned so much about how to feed herself. the tricky part is that many of the foods that are easy for her to eat are also super slippery (avocado, mango, kiwi, etc.) but she is managing really well. sometimes I have to help her get the piece of food from the tray into her hand, but she can take it from there. she has now learned that she can move her hand around & bring it to her mouth at different angles which helps once she has bitten off the top part of the food & there is nothing left sticking up out of the top of her hand. she will also use her left hand to help her move food around in her right hand to eat it, though her right hand does nearly 100% of the self-feeding. eloise isn’t as interested in grabbing the spoon to feed herself purees these days, & normally just opens her mouth up like a baby bird to take a bite. on occasion, & usually towards the end of the meal, she will grab the spoon handle & try to flip the food out. she really just wants to bang the spoon on the tray.

eloise’s favorite part of meals these days though is water, specifically drinking water from a straw. we are back to using just a small glass & plastic straw since it seems easier to use than the straw on her sippy cup. I think the sucking motion to use for drinking is similar to blowing raspberries (just the opposite, right?) & sometimes eloise will end up blowing bubbles in her water instead of drinking. she smiles when she sees the bubbles, but hasn’t figured out that she is doing it yet, so I think we are in the clear for now. (pretty soon she will probably be blowing bubbles all the time!)

eloise is still on-the-go & I don’t seem that stopping, well, ever. she still prefers to roll if she can since it is much easier for her to do. she seems to be able to maneuver really well & can change directions surprisingly well. eloise is, though, officially army crawling in addition. she has one arm down on the ground & the other hand down, so I think once she gets that other hand down (instead of the entire arm) she will be able to crawl on her hands & knees. often when I put her down on her playmat, I will set her down in a crawling position to see what she will do. most of the time she will instantly drop down to her tummy, but sometimes she fusses like she doesn’t know what to do. also, she has started the wiggliness during diaper changes & instantly flips when you lie her down on the changing pad. super fun! if aaron is home & I am changing her diaper, I recruit him to help me keep her on her back. during the day when it is just me & eloise, I give her a toy (usually one that rattles or squeaks) to keep her attention & then attempt to do the quickest diaper change ever.

we’ve noticed over the months that not only does eloise like to tap her foot (usually her right one) when she is laying down or sitting, but she likes to tap with her hand as well. books, toys, & most recently the table top. just this past week aaron has started playing a tapping game with her where she will tap her hand or hands on the table & aaron will mimic. she loves it & laughs & laughs. it is super cute!

{weight} last we checked, 19 lbs.

{hair} dark reddish brown.

{teeth} bottom two teeth, two top teeth (left front & incisor), & two more on the way (top right).

{eyes} dark brown/grey.

{clothes} 9 (or 6 to 12) month.

{diapers} full-time cloth* {bum genius freetime, pocket, & elemental} & honest company size 3 diapers at night with a bum genius diaper cover.

{feeding} during the day, 3 hour cycles. when e gets a bottle, she will take 4 oz. at bedtime when she takes a full 5 oz bottle of pumped milk*. we are still nursing 5 times per day, and eloise is eating two solids meals per day (lunch & dinner) which is a mixture of purees & BLW solids. introduced egg yolk, cheese, yogurt, ground chicken, & salmon this month to add to the variety of veggies & fruits.

*just these past few days I have dropped my extra morning pump session (for a variety of reasons) which means that if I don’t pump at least 5 oz. during my evening pump, we have to make up the difference with formula. it is something that is still really new for us & while there is nothing wrong with formula, it has been weighing heavily on my mind (for the past few months). this is the first time I haven’t been able to completely fulfill eloise’s needs & it’s difficult for me to comprehend & accept. I am almost sure that if I nursed eloise at bedtime instead of giving her a bottle & pumping my supply would be enough (pumping isn’t as effective for me) but we are happy knowing exactly how much eloise is consuming at night & that aaron can do bedtime too. on a happier note, we are trying the new Honest Company formula which seems really great & also have some from Europe en route (European standards for food, including infant formula, is much, much higher than those in the US).

{likes} books, her Papa, anyone’s cell phone, FaceTiming, Sadie, music & songs, bath time, wiggling!

{dislikes} the Nose Frieda, being on her back during diaper changes, being hungry.

{nicknames} Bug{s}, Love Bug, E, Wheezy, Kiddo, Little Love, Bugaboo.

happy EIGHT months eloise!


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eloise {month seven}


{lion: jellycat via nordstrom // dress: Tea Collection via nordstrom // moccasins: Freshly Picked}


{I also wanted to share to share this outtake – haha! this kid loves her feet, especially when she is wearing moccasins. these photoshoots have become much more entertaining as eloise is more mobile.}

{month seven} this month has been such a fun month! eloise is at a fun age where she is super interactive, but not too mobile to be stressful. she loves to laugh & talk & basically have a good time all day. it is pretty delightful to be her mama.

eloise is learning to wave these days. we often wave to her by moving our entire arm back & forth & saying “hello eloise!” (which she loves). she is doing the entire arm wave, mostly practicing while nursing. & she is also learning to wave with just her hand & I often see her starting at her own hand & moving her wrist around. apparently it is very entertaining. we are very much looking forward to eloise waving to say hello  & good-bye!

it really isn’t a surprise given her parents that eloise is a chatty little one. she is constantly babbling & talking & singing, whether someone is with her or not. she is starting to make pretty distinctive sounds – vowels mostly but some consonants. just this afternoon when we were reading Moo, Baa, La La La before naptime (it’s one of our favorites!) I got to the very end of the book & the last line is “It’s quiet now what do you say?” & eloise squealed. it was so perfect!

eloise has always been a good eater & has continued that trend as we have introduced more & more solid food. we are still doing a mix of purees (from this amazing site!) & baby-led weaning. with the purees, I am taking the opportunity to introduce & mix different fruits & veggies along with different spices. with the hand-held solids, I am either steaming & drizzling with olive oil or roasting with olive oil or coconut oil. we are still just doing solids in the evenings for dinner, but this week I hope to start with solids at lunch as well. the past few days eloise has been interested in what I have been eating for lunch & since I put her in her highchair so she can join me at the table for lunch, I have been offering sliced apples to her. apples are great for her to chew on, though not much actually gets chewed & swallowed. plus sadie isn’t a fan of apples so she isn’t very helpful in cleaning up what eloise throws on the floor…

just in the past week eloise has become such a good sitter. she is much more stable & doesn’t need much spotting at all anymore. I still do worry since she doesn’t know how to get out of sitting & onto her back or tummy yet & we have hardwood floors. eloise is also rolling, rolling all the time – on her playmat, in her crib, everywhere! it seems like she is more motivated to move around now that she knows she can get what she wants more easily. we haven’t started with any crawling-type motions, but since eloise can spin on her tummy around & around, I am sure army crawling is just around the corner.

sleeping is going well & I don’t want to jinx it other than to say we are still very much on a three nap schedule during the day & I don’t see that changing any time soon!

this past month brought eloise’s first diaper rash & first cold, neither of which hindered her joyful spirit. even through the coughing & stuffy nose this little one has been her same happy self, giggling & smiling all day long. she definitely has her moments of melt-down & fussiness, but so far it is few & far between. nearly everyone comments on how happy eloise is – strangers & friends alike – & it really is true!

{weight} I would say 18ish lbs.

{hair} dark reddish brown.

{teeth} bottom left tooth is in & bottom right tooth is on its way.

{eyes} dark brown/grey.

{clothes} a few 3 to 6 months (onesies). 6 to 9 (or 6 to 12) month.

{diapers} full-time cloth* {bum genius freetime, pocket, & elemental} & honest company size 3 diapers at night with a bum genius diaper cover.

{feeding} during the day, 3 hour cycles. when e gets a bottle, she will take 4 oz. at bedtime when she takes a full 6 oz bottle of pumped milk.

{likes} books, staring at the books on her bookshelves, singing & being sung to, standing (with help), bathtime, licking everything, stripes & polka dots, Sadie, tags, eating, drinking water out of a cup, rolling.

{dislikes} being hungry, teething, getting her face wet, the Nose Frida, having her face wiped off (you have to make funny sounds when you do it).

{nicknames} Bug{s}, Love Bug, E, Wheezy, Kiddo, Little Love, Bugaboo.

happy SEVEN months eloise!


*a lot of people are surprised when I tell them that we cloth diaper & are skeptical that we will continue (I get a lot of “oh, but disposables are so convenient! you’ll switch soon.” seriously.) but 7 months in, we are still sold! I have been using a lot more disposables lately to help with eloise’s bout of diaper rash since the diaper cream that I like isn’t compatible with cloth, & I am now even more sure that I love cloth! it really isn’t that much work, even using cloth wipes too, & feels so much less wasteful! I realize that there is a water usage issue (vs. solid waste in a landfill) but I feel like our impact on the earth is way less with cloth. I know it isn’t the decision that every parent will make & isn’t the best choice for everyone, but we are really happy with it. {off my soapbox}

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