Life Lately {July}

Oh July! When Seattle actually started to feel like summer (June was just SO wet and cold)!

{the girls in our neighborhood Fourth of July parade (after it being cancelled the past two years) // a family hike in Twisp // the beautiful Methow Valley in the North Cascade mountains}

{in downtown Winthrop – the cutest little town!}

{more of Winthrop where we explored a bit}

{Eloise’s favorite place at the cabin // such a beautiful spot on the river // the kids outside the bakery in Twisp}

{checking out the local playground // spent the afternoon at the local pool which was cold but perfect for the kids // driving home through the North Cascades}

{the kids were (mostly) asleep in the car since it was the evening + Aaron and I were in awe of the beauty of the mountains while we were driving // I even snuck out of the car for the view of Lake Diablo}

{kids playing in the water table – love that it occupies all 3 of them! // Daph started weekly soccer for the summer after loving soccer camp // these kiddos!}

{we spent a fair amount of time out on the back deck reading + playing with kinetic sand // a giant box! the kids played “The Boxcar Children” for a few days // Eloise started a summer session of ballet at the Pacific Northwest Ballet school + everyone was excited for her to be all dressed up!}

{these two down at Seattle Center while we waited for Eloise’s ballet class // so proud of Daph for climbing all the way up the ropes on this playground and making her way over to the big twisty slide! // at the International Fountain}

{Aaron + Fitz with the Space Needle // a FOAMY play date! // coloring on the back deck – and Fitz in glasses, eep!}

{the girls had “The Nutcracker” ballet camp // Fitz + I found some water to play in during the heat wave // everyone practicing stretching}

{the one week the girls had ballet camp in Bellevue and it didn’t make sense to drive home + back just happened to be the HOTTEST week in Seattle // we got to see the floats for the Seafair Parade down at Seattle Center while we were down there for Eloise’s ballet // Daph got an invite to a birthday party at Laurelhurst Beach Club + the weather was gorgeous!}

July was really the longest month so far, if I’m being honest. Not having consistent childcare and a regular schedule is really challenging for me. Plus the heat – we’ve never been so thankful to have A/C which was installed in the spring!

We finally made it up to the mountains (Daph’s been asking since 2020) and stayed at our neighbor’s cabin in the North Cascades. It was really fun and SO beautiful, but a humbling reminder of how hard it is to travel with littles. Then we came back to some actual SUMMER weather (which we all promptly complained about just a few days in, typical of the true Seattleites that we all are now) and had a mix of camp weeks for the girls as well as the start of some activities for the girls (after a two year hiatus).

And now it’s August (what?!) and we are cruising into our last half of summer. It’s so wild that everyone else in the country (it seems like) is heading back to school – the kids don’t start until after Labor Day which, honestly, is amazing. Aaron and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary on the First, if you can believe it, and while we haven’t had a date night since February 2020 (unless you count driving to the hospital when I was in labor with Fitz!) we have been tremendously grateful of our lives together + the family we’ve created. We are celebrating with some fancy sushi (take-out) on Friday night after the kids go to bed!

We’ve got a packed few weeks to round out the summer: Eloise’s EIGHTH birthday, a trip out to Seabrook with my family, one last week of summer camp, and a smattering of get-togethers with friends!

Happy August!


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