fitz {month seventeen}

{month seventeen} Look at that shaggy hair! I just scheduled him for a hair cut next week to get him freshened up. I’ve trimmed it a couple of times in the past few months but I think we need a professional to help.

Also, Gee (the stuffie) has completely replaced the whale in these monthly milestone photos. Gee is another member of the family and SO loved that basically no other stuffie or doll comes close. Gee is Fitz’s ride-or-die – every nap, every night, comforting him if he’s sad or scared.

After spending months with his fingers shoved into his mouth, I noticed that Fitz cut his next right lower molar. I think this is his 2 year molar?? I don’t see any signs of the other ones yet, but he occasionally still sticks all five of his fingers into his mouth at once.

Something new that Fitz is loving these days is zippers. He sees one, points to it, and says ZIP! And then immediately needs to either zip it or unzip it. And any zipper will do: on a jacket, on a backpack or purse, his jammies or sleep sack.

Recently he started making this surprised face where he makes a big O with his mouth. I will try to share a picture of it soon because it’s hilarious. And anytime he sees someone do it or hears the phrase “OH!” he will make this face. Right after he started doing it, Aaron was on a FaceTime call with his dad (Papaw) and now we call it the “Papaw face.”

Always wanting to be part of the group, Fitz is such a social laugher. If he hears or sees anyone else laughing, he laughs too. It’s amazing to see him picking up social skills! Also, if the girls are playing and he wants to play too, he will just barge into whatever they are doing and start to play. Sometimes the girls welcome it and find a way to let him play, and sometimes they quickly move to another room and he gets left out – life of a younger brother.

Fitz spends nearly every waking moment trying to climb on something. At home it’s the side table or the dining room table (which he has to step up onto something else and climb up) but can easily get onto the coffee table, couch, or his climbing triangle. He’s so SO busy during his wake time and LOVES being chased by his sisters or Aaron or me, and he squeals with delight.

He also is chatting so much and basically mimics any word that he hears with one sound. I am amazed by how much he can communicate these days through hand signs and sounds!

We switched him from his infant car seat to a (bigger) convertible car seat in the past month. He still had a bit of room to grow in his old seat, but we already had bought the new one in anticipation (I didn’t want to take any chances with shipping delays so I ordered it right at the New Year) so it seemed as good of a time as any to change him. We weren’t using it as an infant seat anyways (like carrying him around in the car seat outside of the car). We got a Clek seat (which we haven’t used before) because it was one of the only seats that is skinny enough to install in our car bench seat with three seats across (Eloise is in a high-back booster and Daphne is in a harnessed booster), but we’ve been really happy with it! It sits really high up, so he can see out the window and you don’t have to bend down at all to get him into the seat.

The only bummer is that hours after Aaron installed the new seat, we were out for a (rare) family drive to pick up dinner, and Fitz was SO upset that he puked all over the new seat… it was super fun to clean up. Car seats are really tricky to clean because you can’t soak them at all (like the harness straps can only be wiped down or it interferes with their safety since then they can stretch) and none of the new Clek seat is machine washable. So I spent a day and a half cleaning it and trying to get the lingering smell out… So we try not to put Fitz in the car if we don’t have to (it’s possible he gets car sick since this isn’t the first time he’s been sick in the car) and I ordered a few long sleeved bibs to put on him (over the car seat straps) so that if he is sick, at least we can try to protect the seat and harness.

Other than (still) hating the car, he’s the HAPPIEST little dude! Also, I just signed Fitz up for preschool starting in the fall… in some ways I am SO ready (especially after 2 years of a strange child care and school situation) but in other ways I am so NOT ready (he’s my BABY)!

{weight} 27 pounds, let’s say
{hair} brown, but reddish in the light
{teeth} 12 teeth and 5 molars
{eyes} dark grey-green with light brown around his pupils (hazel)
{clothes} 18 month (jammies + pants), and 2T shirts + jammies
{diapers} size 5 in Abby & Finn + Honest Overnight diapers in size 5 for nighttime
{feeding} 4-5 oz sippy cup in the morning, 4 oz sippy cups with lunch, and 4-5 oz sippy cup right before bedtime. solids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and 1 or 2 snacks.
{likes} balls, music + dancing, food, the dining room chairs, the slide, his water cup, chewing on everything, crawling + chasing toys, faces, head & face rubs, stretching, his sisters, his reflection, Gee his giraffe stuffie, bath time (but likes to stand).
{dislikes} being in his car seat, diaper changes, being stuck, getting his face wiped off after meals.

And here are Eloise and Daphne’s updates.

Happy 17 months, Bubs!


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