project baby #3 {week 39}

{week 39} And just like that, we have a full-term baby!

I don’t see my OB until Friday so I thought I would go ahead and get this week’s update up just in case things get crazier this week! It doesn’t feel like there has been much to report after my weekly check-ups anyways. I’ll probably pull off of social media over the next week or so (I am already off of FaceBook for the foreseeable future, mostly until after the upcoming election – eep!) but will likely post any big updates on Baby Lower (like his or her birth!) over on Instagram and then via email/text/phone too.

I’ve never gone into labor before 39 weeks before, but at this point, it’s anyone’s guess as to when that will actually happen. It’s been a pretty crazy last few days with all of the smoke from local state and west coast fires (we aren’t able to go outside due to extremely unhealthy air conditions) and we are all also adjusting to Eloise’s new school schedule. Needless to say, we don’t need anymore excitement around here. Oh well!

My mom is driving up today which is a huge source of relief for us. Not only will it be so nice to have another set of hands to help with our school days, but we won’t have to scramble to call in our friends to watch the girls while we are at the hospital. While I know that would have worked out just fine, we truly have the best friends, the two separate families that we had asked to help us with the girls each have three kids of their own!

There isn’t much happening in terms of how I’m feeling or any “early labor signs.” I didn’t really experience any “early labor” with my other two pregnancies, and once I started having contractions, that was basically it. They never stopped until delivery! I did start labor at night with both, so that is sort of what I am expecting, but again, I have no idea! I am starting to get slightly nervous about the actual labor and delivery part. Part of me is worried about making it to the hospital (as Daphne was born SO quickly – in 3 hours) and part of me is worried about the pain of birth. But, I/we are as ready and prepared as we can be, and we have an incredible group of OBs, nurses, and medical staff that will be helping us the entire way!

And here is my last weekly bump update with Eloise! I went into labor with her at 39 weeks +5 days. And then with Daphne, I stopped doing weekly updates this close to my due date, but went into labor with her at 40 weeks + 6 days.

Any guesses on when you think Baby Lower will make his or her appearance?

Happy 39 weeks, little one!


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