project baby #3 {week 37}

{week 37} We made it to September!

Since my pregnancy with Daphne, the AAP and OB/midwives have changed from calling 37 weeks (and beyond) “full term” and have separated out the weeks between 37 weeks and 42+ weeks into more specific terms, like “early term,” “full term,” and “late term” since studies are showing that there are developmental differences (even later on in childhood) that can be connected to the baby’s gestational age at birth. Both of the girls were considered “full term.” So technically we are in “early term” and while there isn’t any big push to get the baby out at this point, no intervention would be used to prevent the baby’s birth if I spontaneously went into labor.

Last week I had a growth ultrasound for Baby Lower and my OB reviewed the results with me this morning at my appointment. The two things she was checking for were whether the baby was measuring big (overall) and then specifically, whether the baby’s belly circumference was measuring large in comparison to the head and shoulders. Either of those two things could indicate a higher risk for shoulder dystocia and potentially could have set me up for an induction (before 39 weeks) or a scheduled c-section. Luckily, the baby’s belly is measuring much smaller than the baby’s head and shoulders, and the baby is actually smaller than my OB thought s/he might be. So we’ll just let Baby Lower make his/her appearance when s/he’s ready!

The rest of my appointment was pretty uneventful. My BP is low, my belly is measuring just shy at 35 to 36 cm, and we could hear the baby’s strong heartbeat on the Doppler without issue. My OB went ahead and did a cervical check while I was in and I am about 1 to 1.5 cm dilated and 60% effaced. That doesn’t really mean much, to be honest, but a big jump in dilation could indicate labor starting soon. I also had my flu shot this morning which is great to get out of the way. It was also important because the baby won’t be able to get a flu shot this winter, so any antibodies from my flu shot that could transfer thru the placenta to the baby are crucial!

I also felt like, by the end of this appointment, my OB finally started to relax about my belly size. She hasn’t ever seemed overly concerned, but perhaps a little worried by my belly measuring smaller than “normal.” I haven’t really been seeing her for that long and was used to seeing my midwives for the first part of my pregnancy (who had watched me carry “small” with my past pregnancies). After she measured my belly this morning, she almost seemed relieved and reiterated that I just carry smaller than most! I mean, I know that, for the most part, as I mostly measured small right up to delivery and then delivered not small babies, but it’s always nice to get reassurance from your doc!

Lastly, I always re-read the weekly updates from the girls (which are always linked at the bottom of the post) and I was chuckling to myself with Eloise’s post from week 37. I talk about the birth plan, which is a great mental exercise for parents-to-be, but at this point and with this third baby, the plan is just to make it to the hospital (okay, L&D) before the baby is born – ha! And with Daphne’s update, I definitely feel like I looked bigger than I am now. Maybe because I was wearing horizontal stripes?

And here are Eloise and Daphne‘s weekly updates!

Happy 37 weeks!


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