project baby #3 {week 33}

{week 33} 4 weeks until full term. No biggie. Eek!

This week I have felt v e r y  slow. Nothing terrible, just sort of MEH the past few days.

Baby is finally (!) feeling like s/he is out of my ribs though – YAY! – but I seem to have traded that for (I think) round ligament pain. It feels like someone is trying to pull my legs out of their sockets? Multiple times per day. It stops me in my tracks and is actually pretty painful in the moment. I vaguely remember this towards the ends of my pregnancies with the girls; I suspect it’s actually my hips making some adjustments to prepare for delivery. But, it’s no bueno.

Oh, my 32 week check-up went well. Stats and vitals (BP, weight, urine sample) all came back good and normal. My belly was measuring at 31 cm which is on the smaller side of “normal” but still within acceptable and healthy range; this is exactly the same belly measurement I had with Daphne at 32 weeks! My OB and I decided to keep me on Zofran once per day to keep any potential nausea at bay. And then I scheduled an ultrasound for my 36th week to measure the baby (mostly head circumference, shoulders, and belly circumference) to make sure there aren’t any obvious indications I would need a c-section to avoid another shoulder dystocia; this is a really unlikely scenario but helpful for my OB to know going into my last few weeks. Also, it will confirm if baby is head down!

My family is throwing me an online baby shower this weekend and we are all excited to see everyone and celebrate Baby Lower! I remember when my mom was first talking about scheduling something and the date (in August) feeling so far away. And now here we are!

And here’s my weekly update with Eloise and Daphne.

Happy 33 weeks!


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