project baby #3 {week 17}

{week 17} Like I mentioned last week, the bump is still in a funny place where it’s size depends on the time of day and what I am wearing! So in this picture, it doesn’t look like much, but after a full day, it looks totally different.

Yesterday I was all geared up to write this weekly update about how great this week has been… and then yesterday actually happened. And it was awful.

But before I get into that, I wanted to share (with any expecting or soon-to-be expecting mamas out there) to pick up a black, jersey, stretchy pencil skirt. This is one that I bought from ASOS Maternity about 6 years ago (though I know there are similar ones out there) and it was my favorite. It is also the one maternity piece of clothing that I kept, even after we thought we were done having kids! The thing that is great about this type of skirt is that you can wear normal shirts with it, and it looks really cute with cropped tees and shirts, which is what most of my tees are now since I would wear them with high-rise jeans. Any-hoo, this is a super comfy option that allows you to wear a lot of your non-maternity tops!

Also, since a few people have asked, yes, I get dressed every single day. Even during this “stay home” quarantine. With the exception of being really sick and/0r having a week-old baby at home, I get dressed. I don’t put make-up on or do my hair every day for sure (I only wash my hair once or twice per week!) but I do change into clothes that aren’t sweatpants or leggings. These days, I almost always throw on a dress. It makes me feel better and at least slightly put-together. And I actually have the girls get dressed every day too since I think it helps everyone mentally get up and ready for the day!

Okay, so the first part of this week I was feeling pretty good. I didn’t need to nap during the day, I had a good amount of energy, and I felt the baby move a few times! It’s not the crazy-good second trimester that every woman hopes for and hears about, but really, no complaints. I am still sleeping well and usually manage to make it thru the night without having to get up and pee (yet… I know that is coming, soon!).

Then yesterday morning I woke up feeling just a little off. As soon as I came upstairs, I knew it was going to be trouble. My head started pounding – the worst headache I’ve EVER had – which was made worse by both light and sound, and was so intense it made me nauseous. I managed to get a small breakfast down before I headed back to bed; Aaron was able to take off most of the morning from work and get the girls outside. Once I was in the dark (with an eye mask) and quiet of our bedroom, I was able to fall back to sleep. But as soon as I was woken up (you definitely don’t get to sleep all day when you have kids at home!) my raging headache was back. I spent the rest of the day on the couch (with an eyemask) and the kids watching a TV show or on a tablet), or in bed trying to sleep when Aaron wasn’t working. The only reprieve was to be asleep. By the late afternoon, I was desperate and took Tylenol. Generally Tylenol doesn’t do much for me and I wasn’t sure what it could do for my headache, but it’s the only medicine you can take safely during pregnancy. And by some sort of miracle, it worked! I still felt pretty bad but my headache finally went away.

So all that to say, I think I had a migraine. In hindsight, I think I also had a milder one last Monday – a bad headache but I was also sick. I haven’t reached out to my midwife about it yet, but definitely will be! Anyone else have experience with migraines (or really bad headaches) in pregnancy??

Today, I’m feeling so much better! Thank goodness. But here’s to a calm and relaxing weekend. Please.

And here’s my weekly update from Eloise and Daphne!

Happy Week 17!


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