project baby # 3 {weeks 11 to 15}

In an effort to catch up, here is the recap of the next five weeks! {see the first five here}

{week 11} Feeling pretty good. Still craving a lot of carbs and having a half of a bagel to start each morning. But also starting to crave sweets as well. And fresh fruit!

{week 12 – not pictured} This was a weird week. I had another check-up with my midwife and heard the baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler – it’s magical! And then we also had some “genetic counseling.” This is basically just genetic screening for chromosomal abnormalities that are done thru blood work and an ultrasound, but you go see a genetic counselor when you are 35 or older. We did this same testing with Daphne, but in the midwife’s office since I wasn’t yet 35 during my last pregnancy.

Then the week got really weird because Aaron was asked to work from home (for at least a few weeks, then until the end of April) and Eloise’s school was cancelled (first for two weeks, then for 6 weeks) due to concerns about COVID-19. I was feeling really anxious this week, though it had almost nothing to do with my pregnancy. I tend to get more emotional during pregnancy, but less anxious. Which has actually been kind of nice given all that’s going on with COVID-19 at this point.

Also, this week (on top of everything else) Eloise got sick with some type of stomach flu or virus on Wednesday in the middle of the night and then I got it by Friday night. It was awful. So awful. Having a tummy bug when you are pregnant is the worst. Thankfully it was pretty quick (and Aaron and Daphne managed to avoid it), but we were pretty miserable around here!

{week 13} Settling into our new normal with everyone at the house (as we decided to pull Daphne out of school). Luckily, I was feeling pretty good for the remainder of the week. Keeping hydrated and snacking between meals has been important to keeping my nausea away (along with continuing meds). On Saturday, we all headed out of the house for a drive to pick up dinner at a local restaurant (it was nice to just get out of the house!) and Aaron was driving. I immediately felt nauseous (and car sick – which I feel like is really similar to morning sickness). I ate a Tic Tac (the mint normally helps) but that didn’t do anything. I was sick the entire rest of the car ride and for HOURS afterwards. I couldn’t eat more than a few bites of dinner and fell asleep on the couch around 7 pm.

We also announced Baby Lower’s pending arrival on FaceBook and Instagram!

{week 14} Started my second trimester and fourth month of pregnancy! At this point (and for the past week or so) I’ve pretty much been exclusively wearing dresses. I have one pair of maternity jeans from Madewell that I like (especially since they have an adjustable waistband and are real denim – not super stretchy!) but none of my other jeans fit. I tried the rubber band trick for a while, but with high-waisted jeans (which is all I own) it’s really bulky. I should have kept all of those low and medium rise jeans from years ago – ha! I also started working out again this week (with the Sweat app which is circuit training) and it feels SO good to be active again.

This week also marked the “Stay Home” or shelter-in-place order that came from our Governor. We had been anticipating it for weeks and were basically already doing it, but it was strange to actually be told to stay home. I’ll probably write a separate post about our “quarantine” experience and daily life (as of now) for posterity, but we are basically socially distancing from everyone. We occasionally see neighbors on our frequent walks (or bike or scooter rides) around the immediate block, and say hello and catch up, but we don’t see anyone outside of our family of four socially. Grocery shopping is limited and pick-up or delivery is our go-to. Once a week we get take-out or delivery for dinner. We are all going a little stir-crazy, but we know it’s for the best!

{week 15} This week I noticed my varicose vein (I first got it in my pregnancy with Daphne) on the back of my right leg showed up. It’s not terrible, but it does give me pause as it starts to hurt if I’ve been standing or moving around for too long. I have been wearing a pair of “compression” shorts underneath my dresses during the day which seems to help, and just trying to keep my feet up! I haven’t had the big energy burst that generally accompanies the start of the second trimester, but overall I am feeling so much better these days. I did change my prenatal vitamin this past week though because the one I was taking was making me so nauseous, so I switched to a gummy one!

And here’s the same time period with Eloise and with Daphne!

I should be able to do actual weekly updates now that we are all caught up. My “new week” starts on Tuesday, but I won’t post about the week until Thursday-ish.

Happy 15 weeks!


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