Life Lately {December}

{Fitz is still transitioning out of his morning nap, so sometimes he cat naps just before lunch + I can’t say I don’t love these cuddles // Mimi reading with the kids // Daph being Daph!}

{Fitz + the Christmas tree please note the ornament placement this year! // Eloise reading, always // the girls found a dress-up box}

{often Fitz will do a long stretch of independent playtime which is life-changing! // Aaron set up a “Merry Christmas” lighting scheme // “HAT!” Is one of Fitz’s favorite words and things to wear}

{one morning Aaron + I took Fitz to the Zoo – his first trip! It was freezing cold, but we bundled up + enjoyed a very quiet Zoo as there was hardly anyone else there. And then Fitz took a nap.}

{our dishwasher – which was ordered in March, 2021 -was finally delivered! // Daphne: “Just call me Woody!” // we were able to tackle this last kitchen project – tile inside a cabinet – and I promise I will share more of the kitchen this year}

{a pretty normal December sighting around here was Fitz in a Santa hat // Aaron + the kids watching a video of their cousins // trying on KN95 masks as we prepare for life with Omicron}

{frosting sugar cookies for Santa // the whole fam in matching Christmas jammies which is my favorite part of the season! // a plate left for Santa – Daphne wrote a note that the apple was for the reindeer + Eloise wrote one that the milk was oat milk!}

{the chocolate cake from my favorite bakery for Christmas dinner did not disappoint! // rapid testing for all of us (except for Fitz) so we could hang out with Ben + Sarah for a late Christmas get-together // we had SO much SNOW the past week, so Aaron + the girls have been out every day to play}

{the girls making snowballs for their snowman // Daphne was so proud of the costume she made with new toys // Fitz pre-haircut. I attempted his second cut which went better than the first but perhaps still looks like a “home haircut” so I am thankful no one will see him. Ha!}

We were so, so lucky to be able to have Aaron home (and on vacation) for nearly the entire month of December and a quick visit from Mimi! The snow made post-Christmas fun for the girls, especially since I finally have the right snow gear (in the right sizes!) for everyone. We would have loved to spend time with friends + family over the holidays, but the time at home with the kids was well spent too.

We will be kicking this first week of the New Year off with a bang as Aaron transitions into a new job (at a new company) and Eloise’s first day back from break (tomorrow) has already been cancelled to allow students + staff in the district to test. Plus, there’s still inches of snow on the ground which in Seattle means: mostly unplowed roads full of snow + ice and no garbage service or mail service since before Christmas with the occasional package delivery.

I am debating on whether to do my large (and very favorite) annual highlights post this year as it’s so time-consuming… maybe I could get it done in this first quarter!

Much love and Happy New Year!


Life Lately {September + October}

Ages ago, I used to do a “My Weekend in Pictures post to share more about (weekend) daily life. But then we added a few more kids + chaos, and those posts just couldn’t happen anymore. But, those were actually some of my favorite posts to write + to look back on. So I thought maybe I could do something similar that wasn’t quite so time consuming: Life Lately. Photos from the past month (or months, in this case). A little more like Instagram Stories where these aren’t big milestones or events, but snippets of the every day at the Lower house.

So here’s September.

{Fitz loves the fireplace // Eloise + Daph chalk “painted” their playhouse // not one, but two beautiful flower arrangements in our new kitchen!}

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