project baby #3 {week 22}

{week 22} And here we are at SIX months! (According to most pregnancy websites – why is there such a discrepancy in this I wonder). This pregnancy has gone fast and slow which is so strange to think about. It seems like an eternity ago that I found out I was pregnant. And also, the last month and a half in quarantine have, in hindsight, passed pretty slowly. BUT I can’t wrap my head around having a newborn in 18-ish weeks!

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project baby #3 {week 18}

{week 18} Did you know that in pregnancy months, 18 weeks also marks the start of the fifth month of pregnancy? The FIFTH?! It’s hard to believe I am so far along. And also, pregnancy is really more like 10 months, which is why I can be in my fifth month and not quite half-way thru.

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