my weekend in pictures.


{We visited Papa at work on Friday in his new office. Eloise approved and really liked his badge holder!}


{We had a family dinner at the Sadliers – a super fun tradition now – and we finally wrangled the kids into jammies for story time.}


{More baby prepping means baby gear is starting to make an appearance. Eloise is obsessed with the infant car seat!}


{And the moment of truth came Saturday when we installed the infant car seat in the car. We have a slight issue with Aaron needing the seat back further than the car seat will allow… so, we can either put Eloise behind the driver’s seat and turn her forward-facing – which I really am not ready for! – or get her a slimmer car seat… Hopefully we have a few weeks to figure it out!}


{Testing out my Solly Baby Wrap with one of Baby Foot’s stuffed animals and really love it! I like that it is adjustable so Aaron can wear it too if he wants. My mama got me the Rifle Paper Co. print and it is so, so beautiful!}


{I wanted to make sure to get a picture of Eloise in her new tunic that my sister-in-law knit for her for Christmas – it is so gorgeous! And Eloise looks like she is ready to start kindergarten… where did our baby go?}


{We discovered that Baby Stella fits into our newborn diapers. Eloise has been obsessed with changing her diaper recently.}



{Nesting is in full effect around the Lower house and I finally got a chance to clean the fridge!}

I have purposefully not made plans for these past few weekends because my to-do list(s) are so long still and I am liking just lying-low. But, we got so much done including getting art up on Eloise’s new room and scheduling a deep house clean (YES)!

How was your weekend?


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